
A simple NPM package to read quotes from a CSV file and output a random quote.

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QuotePicker is a simple, open-source project that provides a set of featured quotes from a local CSV file. This project is designed to be used as an NPM package, which can be installed and used in any Node.js application. Created by the team at MustReadQuotes.com


  • Provides a set of featured quotes in CSV format.\
  • Can be used as an NPM package in any Node.js application.\
  • Offers a simple API to get a random quote from the featured selection.


Before installing, make sure you have Node.js and npm installed on your machine.
You can install the package using npm:
```bash\ npm install quotepicker
## Usage

After installing the package, you can use it in your Node.js application:

const qp = require('quotepicker');


This will log a random quote from the featured selection to the console.

API Reference

The package provides the following API:
  • getRandomQuote(): Returns a random quote from the featured selection. The quote is returned as an object with quote and author properties.

Running QuotePicker

To run QuotePicker, use the following npm command:
```bash\ npm run quote ```


Contributions are welcome! If you have a favorite quote that you would like to add to our featured selection, please create a pull request.
For more information about MustReadQuotes, please check out our website: MustReadQuotes.com

Links & Resources

Must Read Quotes
QuotePicker on GitHub
QuotePicker on NPM
QuotePicker on Aliyun
QuotePicker on TAONPM
QuotePicker on jsDlivr
QuotePicker on Snyk
QuotePicker on Libraries.io
QuotePicker on RunKit
QuotePicker on npm trends
QuotePicker on Package Phobia
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