
Angular2+ library to communicate with deviceWISE.

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5.4.69 months ago5 years agoMinified + gzip package size for devicewise-angular in KB


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DeviceWISE Angular API Service
Angular services for communicating with deviceWISE.


```cli npm install devicewise-angular ngx-cookie-service fetch-readablestream --save ``` Import the devicewise angular module in your app.module.ts: ```ts ... import { DevicewiseAngularModule } from 'devicewise-angular'; @NgModule({ imports:
``` Then, import and inject the devicewise angular service into a component: ```ts ... import { DevicewiseAuthService, DevicewiseApiService } from 'devicewise-angular'; import { switchMap } from 'rxjs/operators'; @Component({ ... }) export class AppComponent implements OnInit { constructor(
private dwAuthentication: DevicewiseAuthService,
private dwApi: DevicewiseApiService
) {} ngOnInit(): void {
this.dwAuthentication.easyLogin('http://localhost:8080', 'admin', 'admin').pipe(
switchMap((e) => this.dwApi.deviceList())
).subscribe((e) => console.log(e));
} ... ``` The easyLogin method will automatically save the sessionId from the login request as a cookie. If a cookie already exists it will be checked for validity before emitting sucessful login.
Using HTTP fetch is a much more efficient way to communicate with devicewise. Consider using the multisubscribe store service to subscribe to a variable rather than poll a variable on an interval. ```ts ... import { DevicewiseAuthService } from 'devicewise-angular'; @Component({ ... }) export class AppComponent implements OnInit { constructor(
private dwAuthentication: DevicewiseAuthService,
private dwMultiSubscribeService: DevicewiseMultisubscribeStoreService
) { } variables: DwVariable
= { device: 'System Monitor', variable: 'CPU.CPU Usage', type: DwType.UINT1, count: 1, length: -1 }; ngOnInit(): void {
this.dwAuthentication.easyLogin('http://localhost:8080', 'admin', 'admin').pipe(
switchMap((e) => this.dwMultiSubscribeService.addRequestVariables(this.variables))
).subscribe((e) => console.log('value changed:', e));
} ... ``` Make sure you unsubscribe from the multisubscribe store obervable! It's also common to save the observable. ```ts this.multisub$ = this.dwMultiSubscribeService.subscriptionAsObservable(); ``` To get a specific variable out of the observable create a pipe containing filter. ```ts this.multisub$.pipe( filter((e) => == 'System Monitor' && = 'CPU.CPU Usage') ).subscribe((e) => console.log(e)) ``` Another possibility. Create an async pipe in your html template ```html
ngIf="multisub$ | async as variable">

Value: {{variable.data0}}

``` This multisubscribe store makes it easy to add, remove, and edit variables from a single stream from devicewise.
Cross Origin Resource Sharing (CORS)
Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS) is a mechanism that uses additional HTTP headers to tell browsers to give a web application running at one origin, access to selected resources from a different origin. Run these steps to enable CORS on deviceWISE.
  • Navigate to your deviceWISE install directory
  • Open the file "deviceWISE\Runtime\dwcore\"
  • Add the line http.allow_origin=http://localhost:4200 anywhere in the file (where http://localhost:4200 is the origin to allow access. Use * for all origins.)
  • Save the file
  • Restart deviceWISE

Other deviceWISE HTTP Server Properties

| Name | Description | Example | | :--------------------- | :------------------------------------------------------------------------- | :---------- | | http.rootdirectory | Root directory of web server. | | | http.ssl.certfile | Certificate to use for web server. | | | http.ssl.certpass | Certificate password, if necessary. | | | httpsvr.404.redirect | Redirect here instead of returning 404 error. | /index.html | | http.alloworigin | CORS allowed origins.
Comma separated or wildcard to allow all origins. | \* | | rewrite.source.# | Source to trigger rewrite | /.\*\\.html | | rewrite.destination.# | Destination to write over source | /index.html | | tryfiles.source.# | Source to trigger tryfiles | /.\* | | tryfiles.destination.# | Destination to write if file isn't found | /index.html | where # is a number 0-9
At the bottom of polyfills.ts under APPLICATION IMPORTS add the following and run the command in the comment. ```ts / Fetch Readablestream Polyfills Run npm install --save web-streams-polyfill text-encoding babel-polyfill whatwg-fetch abortcontroller-polyfill. This is used for subscriptions in IE11. / import "web-streams-polyfill"; import "text-encoding"; import "babel-polyfill"; import "whatwg-fetch"; import "abortcontroller-polyfill"; ``` I can't find a good polyfill for TextEncoder/Decoder. Add this CDN
to your index.html. ```html ```
What to do now?
  • Run ng test devicewise-angular to run the tests devicewise angular.
  • Have a look at and play around with the app to get to know the devicewise service with ng serve --open
  • Set up other users in deviceWISE (default credentials are admin/admin)
Running the Demo
Clone the repository. ```cli git clone ``` Navigate to the folder. ```cli cd devicewise-angular ``` Install packages. ```cli npm i ``` Run Demo. ```cli ng serve --open ```

General tips

Checking out the following resources usually solves most of the problems people seem to have with this devicewise service: The following general steps are usually very helpful when debugging problems with this service:
  • check out if there are any open or closed issues that answer your question
  • ensure you have a valid sessionID cookie.
Opening issues
Please make sure to check out our FAQ before you open a new issue. Also, try to give us as much information as you can when you open an issue. Maybe you can even supply a test environment or test cases, if necessary?
We are happy to accept pull requests or test cases for things that do not work. Feel free to submit one of those. However, we will only accept pull requests that pass all tests and include some new ones (as long as it makes sense to add them, of course).
This library is provided to you free by Telit IoT Platforms.