
Dependency injection lightweight library.

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Sixphere - Dependency Injector Wrapper
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Dependency injection lightweight library that allows you inject any service instance in any class in a fast and easy way.


npm install '@sixphere/diwrapper' --save

How to use?

The centerpiece of the dependency injector is the __inject method. Your class must implement a method with this name and the needed arguments. The library use this method to inject the builded instances.
// dummy-component.js
class DummyComponent {
    __inject(dummyService1, dummyService2) {
        this.dummyService1 = dummyService1
        this.dummyService2 = dummyService2


Bind dependencies

Import the dependency injector wrapper.
import { DIWrapper } from '@sixphere/diwrapper'

Specify the class and his dependecies.
// index.js
let ComposedDummyComponent = DIWrapper.for(DummyComponent).bind([
                                { constructor: DummyService1, args: [] }, 
                                { constructor: DummyService2, args: [] },


MIT Licensemit-license-url © 2019 Sixphere