
i18next's framework adapter for svelte, better internationalization UX

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@kainstar/svelte-i18next is a Svelte library for internationalization using i18next. It referenced partial features provided by react-i18next and do some simplification.

Why not svelte-i18next or svelte-i18n?

svelte-i18n is based on intl-messageformat rather than i18next which I am more familiar with, and it's a singleton architecture that is not easy to expand.
svelte-i18next is a very simple wrapper for i18next and no any options to customize behaviors.
And most important, both svelte-i18next and svelte-i18n are not provide powerful features like Trans in react-i18next, that's why I making this library.


  • Context-based multi-instance by setI18nContext
  • Basic t function
  • Advanced Trans Component


npm install @kainstar/svelte-i18next


```ts i18n.ts import i18next from 'i18next';
i18next.init({ debug: true, lng: 'zh-CN', resources: {
// ...
}, });
export default i18next;

<script lang="ts">
import { setI18nContext } from '@kainstar/svelte-i18next';
import i18nInstance from './i18n';


<script lang="ts">
import { getTranslation, Trans } from '@kainstar/svelte-i18next';

const { t } = getTranslation();

<!-- use $t function or Trans component to translate -->
<Trans i18nKey="i18nKey">

Advanced Trans Component

Trans component can enables you nest any svelte components and native html tag to be translated as one cohesive string.
Let's say you have a translation like this:
@kainstar/svelte-i18next is a powerful internationalization library. Here to see

  <code>@kainstar/svelte-i18next</code> is a <strong>powerful</strong> internationalization library. <Link href="https://github.com/kainstar/svelte-i18next">Here to see</Link>

message: <code>@kainstar/svelte-i18next</code>is a <strong>powerful</strong> internationalization library. <Link href="https://github.com/kainstar/svelte-i18next">Here to see</Link>


What different with {@html} ?

{@html} is a svelte directive that can render raw html string, but it can't render you custom components.

Can I attach props to components?

Yes, you can pass a comp, props tuple as component value like:
<Trans i18nKey="message" components={{
  Link: [Link, { target: '_blank' }]

Is Trans treat component children as defaultValue?

No, svelte can't check or modify slot content, so Trans will ignore children and only use i18nKey.

I18next extends options

@kainstar/svelte-i18next extends some options for i18next.init:
interface SvelteI18nextOptions {
   * Set which events trigger a re-render, can be set to false or string of events
   * @default 'languageChanged'
  bindI18n?: string | false;
   * Set which events on store trigger a re-render, can be set to false or string of events
   * @default false
  bindI18nStore?: string | false;
   * Which tag will be treated as native HTML tag Trans component.
   * If a tag is not custom component and native HTML tag, it will be render as string.
   * `true` will keep all tags
   * @default true
  transKeepTags?: readonly string[] | true;

  svelte: {
    // ...custom options here