
A React component implementing the latest version of Animate.css

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A React component implementing the latest version of Animate.css!

  • Zero dependencies - All self contained code
  • Minimal package size - <7 kB gzipped
  • No messy installation - A simple way to add motion to your react components


Take a look at the demo


# with npm
npm install @charlesvien/react-animatecss

# with yarn
yarn add @charlesvien/react-animatecss


The official Animate.css documentation can be found at https://animate.style. You can view a list of all animations that your able to use with this component on their website.


This is a basic example showing how to add a fadeIn and fadeOut animation to a component.
NOTE: In order for the fadeOut animation to occur, instead of conditionally rendering the component you must pass `false to the visible` prop when the component should no longer be visible.
import Animate from '@charlesvien/react-animatecss';



| Prop | Type | Default | Description | |--------------|----------|-------------|----------------------------------------------------------------------| | animationIn | string | fadeIn | The animation name to be played when the component turns visible | | animationOut | string | fadeOut | The animation name to be played when the component turns invisible | | inDelay | number | 0 | The delay before the visible animation is played | | outDelay | number | 0 | The delay before the invisible animation is played | | inDuration | number | 1000 | The duration the visible animation is played | | outDuration | number | 1000 | The duration the invisible animation is played | | repeat | number | 0 | How many times the animation repeats (min: 1, max: 3) | | onMount | boolean | true | If the animation should play when the component is first mounted | | visible | boolean | true | If the Animate component should be visible | | loop | boolean | false | If the animation should infinitely loop | | className | string | undefined | Additional optional css class names to apply to the container | | style | object | undefined | Additional optional css properties to apply to the container |


Contributions are welcome to react-animatecss!
To set up the project:
  1. Fork and clone the repository
  2. $ yarn
  3. $ yarn dev

Storybook will then be served on http://localhost:6006/ in watch mode, meaning you don't have refresh the page to see your changes.