
Pure Javascript YAML loader and dumper, ported from PyYAML

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6800.3.13 years ago12 years agoMinified + gzip package size for yaml-js in KB



This project is now abandoned and the repository archived. The license should allow you to fork and do whatever you want, in case you cannot migrate to a different YAML library.
Fun history fact: when I made the port there wasn't another pure JS YAML parser - the initial commit for this repo was just a couple of days before the initial release of js-yaml!
yaml-js is a YAML loader and dumper, ported pretty much line-for-line from PyYAML. The goal for the project is to maintain a reliable and specification-complete YAML processor in pure Javascript, with CoffeeScript source code. You can try it out here.
Loading is stable and well-used, and passes the yaml-spec test suite, which fairly thoroughly covers the YAML 'core' schema.
Dumping is present but very lightly tested (auto-tests only, no significant usage). The output should therefore be correct YAML, however formatting is currently entirely untested.

How Do I Get It?

npm install yaml-js

How Do I Use It?

// Server (e.g. node.js)
var yaml = require('yaml-js');

// Browser
// <script src='yaml.min.js'></script>

// Loading
  '---\n' +
  'phrase1:\n' +
  '  - hello\n' +
  '  - &world world\n' +
  'phrase2:\n' +
  '  - goodbye\n' +
  '  - *world\n' +
  'phrase3: >\n' +
  '  What is up\n' +
  '  in this place.'
// { phrase1: [ 'hello', 'world' ],
//   phrase2: [ 'goodbye', 'world' ],
//   phrase3: 'What is up in this place.' }

// Dumping
  phrase1: [ 'hello',   'world' ],
  phrase2: [ 'goodbye', 'world' ],
  phrase3: 'What is up in this place.'
// phrase1: [hello, world]
// phrase2: [goodbye, world]
// phrase3: What is up in this place.

API summary

| Method | Description | |-----------------|-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| | load | Parse the first YAML document in a stream and produce the corresponding Javascript object. | | dump | Serialize a Javascript object into a YAML stream. | | load_all | Parse all YAML documents in a stream and produce the corresponing Javascript objects. | | dump_all | Serialize a sequence of Javascript objects into a YAML stream. | | scan | Scan a YAML stream and produce tokens. | | parse | Parse a YAML stream and produce events. | | compose | Parse the first YAML document in a stream and produce the corresponding representation tree. | | compose_all | Parse all YAML documents in a stream and produce corresponding representation trees. | | emit | Emit YAML parsing events into a stream. | | serialize | Serialize a representation tree into a YAML stream. | | serialize_all | Serialize a sequence of representation trees into a YAML stream. |
