
WireMock standalone binary

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WireMock Standalone for NPM
Wiremock Standalone Wiremock Standalone npm
This package downloads WireMock standalone from Maven Central and provides simple CLI wrapper for NPM.

How to use

npm i -D wiremock-standalone
# OR
pnpm add -D wiremock-standalone
# OR
yarn add -D wiremock-standalone

Usage (as script in package.json):
  "scripts": {
    "start:mock": "wiremock --root-dir ./mock"

Downloader configuration

By default, the latest stable jre8 version of WireMock JAR is downloaded from public Maven repository. You can override this behavior by:
  1. setting environment variables
  2. creating .wiremock configuration file in your project (JSON format)
  3. adding wiremock property in your package.json

| ENV | JSON | Default | | --- | --- | --- | | MAVEN_REPO_URL | mavenRepoURL | https://repo1.maven.org/maven2 | | WIREMOCK_VERSION | version | resolved to the latest | | JRE_VERSION | jreVersion | jre8 |

Runtime options

Java arguments

You can pass options to Java runtime with --java-arg CLI argument. All system properties are collected and appended to wiremock's --permitted-system-keys option.
wiremock --java-arg -Dmy.custom.var=some-value --root-dir ./mock


Passing ENV variables with env-cmd

yarn env-cmd -f [path/to/.env] yarn wiremock --global-response-templating --verbose --root-dir ./mocks --permitted-system-keys=WIREMOCK_.*


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