
A Loggly transport for winston

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1.3.18 years ago12 years agoMinified + gzip package size for winston-loggly in KB


A Loggly0 transport for winston1.


var winston = require('winston');

// Requiring `winston-loggly` will expose
// `winston.transports.Loggly`

winston.add(winston.transports.Loggly, options);

The Loggly transport is based on Nodejitsu's2 node-loggly3 implementation of the Loggly0 API. If you haven't heard of Loggly before, you should probably read their value proposition4. The Loggly transport takes the following options. Either 'inputToken' or 'inputName' is required:
  • level: Level of messages that this transport should log.
  • subdomain: The subdomain of your Loggly account. required
  • auth: The authentication information for your Loggly account. required with inputName
  • inputName: The name of the input this instance should log to.
  • inputToken: The input token of the input this instance should log to.
  • json: If true, messages will be sent to Loggly as JSON.
  • tags: An array of tags to send to loggly.
  • isBulk: If true, sends messages using bulk url
  • stripColors: Strip color codes from the logs before sending

Metadata: Logged in suggested Loggly format5


tldr;?: To break the winston1 codebase into small modules that work together.
The winston1 codebase has been growing significantly with contributions and other logging transports. This is awesome. However, taking a ton of additional dependencies just to do something simple like logging to the Console and a File is overkill.


Installing npm (node package manager)

$ curl | sh

Installing winston-loggly

$ npm install winston
$ npm install winston-loggly

Run Tests

All of the winston tests are written in vows6, and cover all of the use cases described above. You will need to add valid credentials for the various transports included to test/config.json before running tests:
  "transports": {
    "loggly": {
      "subdomain": "your-subdomain",
      "inputToken": "really-long-token-you-got-from-loggly",
      "auth": {
        "username": "your-username",
        "password": "your-password"

Once you have valid configuration and credentials you can run tests with npm7:
npm test

Author: Charlie Robbins

License: MIT