
You chunks importing buddy

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1561.3.02 months ago5 years agoMinified + gzip package size for webpack-imported in KB


We'll get your asses imported in a right way.
📝 stats-webpack-plugin and 💩webpack-flush-chunks had a baby!

code splitting, prefetching, and resource management.

WebpackPlugin + ServerSide API + React Components(separate entrypoint)
Server side API

Webpack plugin

const {ImportedPlugin} = require('webpack-imported');

module.exports = {
  plugins: [
    new ImportedPlugin('imported.json')
This will output imported.json as a one of the emitted assets, with all the information carefully sorted.


If you have only stat.json generated somehow you can convert into into "imported" format
import {importStats} from "webpack-imported";
import stats from 'build/stats.json';

const importedStat = importStats(stats);

- `importedAssets(stats, chunks, [tracker])` - return all assets associated with provided chunks.
Could be provided a `tracker` to prevent duplications between runs.
- `createImportedTracker()` - creates a duplication prevention tracker

import {importedAssets} from "webpack-imported";
import importedStat from "build/imported.json"; // this file has to be generated

const relatedAssets = importedAssets(importedStat, ['main']); // main is your "main" bundle

relatedAssets.scripts.load // list scripts to load
relatedAssets.scripts.preload // list scripts to preload
relatedAssets.styles.load // list styles to load
relatedAssets.styles.preload // list styles to preload

importedStat.config.publicPath // public path used at build time

with tracking
import {importedAssets, createImportedTracker} from "webpack-imported";
import importedStat from "build/imported.json"; // this file has to be generated

const tracker = createImportedTracker();
const relatedAssets1 = importedAssets(importedStat, ['main'], tracker);
// use scripts and styles

const relatedAssets2 = importedAssets(importedStat, ['home'], tracker);
// render only new scripts and styles
Client side API

React bindings (for SSR)

  • createImportedTracker() - creates a duplication prevention tracker
  • WebpackImportedProvider - wires tracker down to React context
  • WebpackImport - chunk importer
  • processImportedStyles - helper for critical styles.
import {createImportedTracker, WebpackImportedProvider, WebpackImport} from "webpack-imported/react";
import importedStat from "build/imported.json";

const tracker = createImportedTracker();// this is optional, only needed if your render is multipart(head/body)

<WebpackImportedProvider tracker={tracker}>
  <WebpackImport stats={importedStat} chunks={['main']} />

WebpackImport has many props:
  • preload=false - only preloads resources. If preload is set resources would be loaded via network, but not executed.
Never use this option for the main chunk. but system will leave extra markup to prevent MiniCssExtractPlugin from adding them by itself. With this option enabled you have to call processImportedStyles after the application starts to load the missing styles.

Get stats from webpack

Handle chunks dependencies

React Lazy Loading

CSS Critical extraction
