
Host your own Web Push Service.

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011.0.186 years ago6 years agoMinified + gzip package size for web-push-service in KB


Web Push Service
Host your own Web Push Service. Travis CI Coverage Status NPM Dependencies Maintainability License Last Commit Language

Table of contents


Production Environment

Prerequisites Setup
  • Connect to your Linux Machine via SSH using your preferred client.
  • Install Web Push Service via npm by running sudo npm install -g web-push-service.
  • Configure Web Push Service by runnning web-push-service --host your-domain.com --mongo mongodb:// --port 8080
Browse https://your-domain.com to view the Swagger UI swagger

Subscribing to Channels

See Sample

Sending Web Push Notifications

cURL curl -d '{ "image": "https://via.placeholder.com/50x50", "message": "My first message", "title": "Hello World", "url": "https://example.com" }' -H "Authorization: <your-key-here>" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST https://your-domain.com/api/v1/push

Obtaining Credentials

cURL curl -d '{ "endpoint": "https://your-domain.com" }' -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST https://your-domain.com/api/v1/client This request will return your key and publicKey. ```json { "id": "2ab7acb4-f8ef-40e3-b2e9-f7855047d835", "key": "467b5026-c14a-48fc-97b1-f3ca5fb21a95", "publicKey": "BBqOI20HlYxLMth7sbTk002PMinG7QVRUC12BEZpvq9r1maySNv30MeHxHSYPzKULqhHiSIsFKsdVlc9IJ1NuwE=" } ```

Installation as CLI

npm install -g web-push-service


``` Usage: start options Options:
-h --host <host>    defaults to 'localhost:8080'
-m --mongo <host>   if not provided, file-based storage will be used
-p --port <port>    port
-h, --help          output usage information
Usage: install options Options:
-h --host <host>   defaults to 'your-domain.com'
-m --mongo <host>  if not provided, file-based storage will be used
-p --port <port>   port
--nginx            install NGINX
--letsencrypt      install and configure Let's Encrypt
-h, --help         output usage information


  • ajv - Another JSON Schema Validator
  • chalk - Terminal string styling done right
  • commander - The complete solution for node.js command-line programs
  • cors - Node.js CORS middleware
  • express - Fast, unopinionated, minimalist web framework
  • js-yaml - YAML 1.2 parser / writer for JavaScript
  • mongodb - The official MongoDB driver for Node.js
  • nedb - File-based embedded data store for node.js
  • uuid - RFC4122 (v1, v4, and v5) UUIDs


Coming Soon



This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE.md file for details