
Download your JSON data as an CSV file directly from the browser

Downloads in past


123372.1.02 years ago6 years agoMinified + gzip package size for vue-json-csv in KB


Vue JSON to CSV file
FOSSA Status NodeJs
VueJS component to export Json Data into CSV file and download the resulting file.


GitHub Pages

Getting started

Get the package:
yarn add vue-json-csv

Register JsonCSV in your app entrypoint:
import Vue from 'vue'
import JsonCSV from 'vue-json-csv'

Vue.component('downloadCsv', JsonCSV)

In your template
    :data   = "json_data">
    Download Data
    <img src="download_icon.png">

Props List

| Name | Type | Description | | :--- | :---: | --- | | data | Array | (required) Data to be exported | | fields | Array/Function(value, key) | fields inside the Json Object that you want to export. If no given, all the properties in the Json are exported. Use the function to filter the data and only keep the properties you want. | | labels | Object/Function(value, key) | Set the label for the header row. | | name | string | filename to export, default: data.csv | | delimiter| string| Default ",". Can be changed to anything.| | separator-excel| boolean|If true, will prepend SEP={delimiter} to the file to make it easily usable with Excel| | encoding| string|Set the wanted encoding, default to 'utf-8'| | advancedOptions| Object|You can set all the options of PapaParse yourself |


import Vue from 'vue'
import JsonCSV from 'vue-json-csv'

Vue.component('downloadCsv', JsonCSV)

const app = new Vue({
    el: '#app',
    data: {     
        json_data: [
                'name': 'Tony Peña',
                'city': 'New York',
                'country': 'United States',
                'birthdate': '1978-03-15',
                'phone': {
                    'mobile': '1-541-754-3010',
                    'landline': '(541) 754-3010'
                'name': 'Thessaloniki',
                'city': 'Athens',
                'country': 'Greece',
                'birthdate': '1987-11-23',
                'phone': {
                    'mobile': '+1 855 275 5071',
                    'landline': '(2741) 2621-244'

In your Template call it like
	class   = "btn btn-default"
	:data   = "json_data"
	name    = "filename.csv">

	Download CSV (This is a slot)

  • jsondata: Contains the data you want to export


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