
TWIRP RPC client for use with protoc-gen-twirp_js

  • twirp

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twirp rpc client for javascript.
This is a companion package to the twirp rpc system. It can generate javascript bindings, but this package is required for handling the differences between the nodejs binding and the browser binding.
The API exposed is identical each time:
const createTwirpClient = require("twirp-client");

const rpc = createTwirpClient(baseurl, serviceName, twirpVersion, useJSON, extraHeaders);

// The function returned has the signature below. "customHeaders" is optional, and if defined, will
// merge any custom headers into "extraHeaders" defined in the rpc client.
const resultPromise = rpc(methodName, inputProtobugMessageObject, outputProtobufMessageClass, customHeaders);