
this is a small (40-120kb gziped) part of [iso3166-2-db]( library. Contains only English names for the world from UN point of view

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412.2.06 years ago6 years agoMinified + gzip package size for the-country-names in KB


this is a small (40-120kb gziped) part of iso3166-2-db library. Contains only English names for the world from UN point of view
// get major export. 120kb gzipped
import countryNames from 'the-country-names';
// as long the-country-names is a simple json file
// countryNames will be a simple js object, with good autocomplete

// get minor export, 40kb gzipped
import countryNames from 'the-country-names/list';
// to get a reduced object, without references. Just names and codes

The exported types are
interface countryNames {    
   [iso3166_1: string]: Country;    

interface Country {      
    name: string, // name of a country
    iso: string,  // 2 letter ISO3166-1 code, same as the key
    iso3: string, // 3 letter ISO3166-1 code
    numeric: 20,  // numeric ISO3166-1 code
    fips: "AN",   // FIPS code
    reference: Reference,
    regions: Array<Region>

interface Region {
    name: string,
    iso: string,    // iso3166-2 code
    fips: string,   // fips code
    admin: string,  // national code
    reference: Reference,

interface Reference {
    geonames: number,      // geonames id
    openstreetmap: number, // OSM relation Id
    wikipedia: string      // wikipedia article
    wof?: number            // whosonfirst id

Please refer to the bin/create.js, if you have any questions.