
Responsive, theme-based style props for building design systems with React

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Styled System
Responsive, theme-based style props for building design systems with React
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  • Add style props that hook into your own theme
  • Quickly set responsive font-size, margin, padding, width, and more with props
  • Influenced by constraint-based design system principles
  • Typographic scale
  • Spacing scale for margin and padding
  • Works with any color palette
  • Works with most css-in-js libraries, including styled-components & emotionemotion
  • Used in Rebass, Reflexbox, and the Priceline Design System

"This is honestly my favourite way to build UI components right now !party parrotparty-parrot"
Varun Vachharvarun-post

"If you haven't seen Styled System before, do yourself a favour and check it out. It's been a huge influence in my thinking on component-oriented styles."
Mark Dalgleishmarkdalgleish

"The future of css-in-js is going to look something like styled-system with its responsive values."

Kye Hohenberger

"Coming from @tachyonscss, the styled-system utilities from @jxnblk is the missing link I’ve been looking for."

Nathan Young

"If you make websites/apps with React check out Styled System if you haven't already. You will be amazed at how much faster you can build."
David Yeiserdavid-tweet

"If you like Tachyons you will love styled-system. If you don't like Tachyons, you will love styled-system."
Adam Morsemrmrs

"Styled System is one of the best libraries I have ever used."
Miha Sedej

Try It Out

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Table of Contents


// Example uses styled-components, but styled-system works with most other css-in-js libraries as well
import styled from 'styled-components'
import { space, layout, typography, color } from 'styled-system'

// Add styled-system functions to your component
const Box = styled.div`

Each style function exposes its own set of component props that handle styles based on values defined in a theme.
// width: 50%
<Box width={1/2} />

// font-size: 20px (theme.fontSizes[4])
<Box fontSize={4} />

// margin: 16px ([2])
<Box m={2} />

// padding: 32px ([3])
<Box p={3} />

// color
<Box color='tomato' />

// color: #333 (theme.colors.gray[0])
<Box color='gray.0' />

// background color
<Box bg='tomato' />

Responsive Style Props

Set responsive width, margin, padding, font-size, and other properties with a shorthand array syntax. Read more
// responsive width
<Box width={[ 1, 1/2, 1/4 ]} />

// responsive font-size
<Box fontSize={[ 2, 3, 4 ]} />

// responsive margin
<Box m={[ 1, 2, 3 ]} />

// responsive padding
<Box p={[ 1, 2, 3 ]} />

To learn more, see the Getting Started guide or read the docs.


Further Reading

Built with Styled System


MIT License