
STOMP for JavaScript apps (Web browser & node.js)

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This library provides a STOMP client for Web browser (using Web Sockets) or node.js applications (either using raw TCP sockets or Web Sockets).

Web Browser support

The library file is located in lib/stomp.js (a minified version is available in lib/stomp.min.js). It does not require any dependency (except WebSocket support from the browser or an alternative to WebSocket!)
Online documentationdoc describes the library API (including the annotated source codeannotated).

node.js support

Install the 'stompjs' module
$ npm install stompjs
In the node.js app, require the module with:
var Stomp = require('stompjs');
To connect to a STOMP broker over a TCP socket, use the Stomp.overTCP(host, port) method:
var client = Stomp.overTCP('localhost', 61613);
To connect to a STOMP broker over a WebSocket, use instead the Stomp.overWS(url) method:
var client = Stomp.overWS('ws://localhost:61614');

Development Requirements

For development (testing, building) the project requires node.js. This allows us to run tests without the browser continuously during development (see cake watch).
$ npm install

Building and Testing

Build Status
To build JavaScript from the CoffeeScript source code:
$ cake build
To run tests:
$ cake test
To continuously run tests on file changes:
$ cake watch

Browser Tests

  • Make sure you have a running STOMP broker which supports the WebSocket protocol
(see the documentationdoc)
  • Open in your web browser the project's test page
  • Check all tests pass


The project contains examples for using stomp.js to send and receive STOMP messages from a server directly in the Web Browser or in a WebWorker.


Jeff Mesnil Jeff Lindsay