
Helpers for building single-spa applications which use Angular 2

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Helpers for building single-spa applications which use Angular. Note that this project works with Angular 2, 3, 4, 5+, despite its name.


This project is great for people who use Angular without angular-cli. But if that's not you, try out single-spa-angular-cli.


An example can be found in the single-spa-examples repository.


First, in the single-spa application, run npm install --save single-spa-angular2. Then, create an entry file for application:
import {platformBrowserDynamic} from '@angular/platform-browser-dynamic';
import singleSpaAngular from 'single-spa-angular2';
import mainModule from './main-module.ts';
import {Router} from '@angular/router';

const ngLifecycles = singleSpaAngular({
	angularPlatform: platformBrowserDynamic(),
	template: `<component-to-render />`,

export const bootstrap = [

export const mount = [

export const unmount = [

function domElementGetter() {
	return document.getElementById('angular');


All options are passed to single-spa-angular2 via the opts parameter when calling singleSpaAngular2(opts). The following options are available:
  • mainModule: (required) An Angular module class. If you're using Typescript or ES6 decorators, this is a class with the @NgModule decorator on it.
  • angularPlatform: (required) The platform with which to bootstrap your module. The "Angular platform" refers to whether the code is running on the browser, mobile, server, etc. In the case of a single-spa application, you should use the platformBrowserDynamic platform.
  • template: (required) An html string that will be put into the DOM Element returned by domElementGetter. This template can be anything, but it is recommended that you keeping it simple by making it only one Angular component. For example, <my-component /> is recommended, but <div><my-component /><span>Hello</span><another-component /></div> is allowed. Note that innerHTML is used to put the template onto the DOM.
  • Router: (optional) The angular router class. If not provided, single-spa-angular2 will assume you are not using @angular/router.
  • domElementGetter: (optional) A function that takes in no arguments and returns a DOMElement. This dom element is where the Angular application will be bootstrapped, mounted, and unmounted.
Note that this opt can only be omitted when domElementGetter is passed in as a [custom prop]( So you must either
do `singleSpaReact({..., domElementGetter: function() {return ...}})` or do `singleSpa.registerApplication(name, app, activityFn, {domElementGetter: function() {...}})`

Other notes

  • If you have multiple angular child applications, make sure that reflect-metadata is only imported once in the root application and is not imported again in the child applications. Otherwise, you might see an No NgModule metadata found error. See issue thread for more details.
  • NOte that you should only have one version of ZoneJS, even if you have multiple versions of Angular.