
This Sass module provides more advanced list functions.

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This Sass module provides more advanced list functions.



  • Dart Sass: >=1.33.0

Install the package:
npm install sass-list

Use the package like any other Sass module:
@use 'sass-list';

Depending on your setup, you may need to configure node_modules as include path:
const sass = require('sass');

  file: scss_filename,
  includePaths: ['node_modules']

Public API


concat ( $values... , $separator , $bracketed )
Merges two or more lists into a new list.

distinct ( $list , $separator )
Creates a new list with all distinct items from a list.

empty ( $separator , $bracketed , $list )
Creates an empty list with the specified characteristics or the characteristics of the specified list.

every ( $list, $predicate , $args... )
Tests whether all items in a list satisfy the test implemented by the specified function.

filter ( $list, $predicate , $separator , $args... )
Creates a new list with all item from a list that satisfy the test implemented by the specified function.

find ( $list, $predicate , $args... )
Returns the value of the first element from a list that satisfies the test implemented by the specified function.

find-nth ( $list, $predicate , $args... )
Returns the index of the first item from a list that satisfies the test implemented by the specified function; otherwise, 0 is returned, indicating no item satisfies the test.

flat ( $list , $depth , $separator , $bracketed )
Creates a new list with all sub-list items concatenated into it recursively up to a specified depth.

includes ( $list, $value , $start-at )
Determines whether a list includes a certain value among its items, returning true or false as appropriate.

index ( $list, $value , $start-at )
Returns the first index at which a specified item can be found in a list; otherwise, 0 is returned, indicating the item is not present.

insert-nth ( $list, $index, $value , $separator )
Returns a copy of a list with the specified value inserted into the list at a given index.

join ( $list , $glue )
Concatenates all of the items in a list to a string, separated by the list's separator or a specified glue string. If the list has only one item, then that item will be returned without using the glue.

last-index ( $list, $value , $start-at )
Returns the last index at which a specified item can be found in a list; otherwise, 0 is returned, indicating the item is not present. The list is searched backwards, starting at a given index when specified.

map ( $list, $transformer , $separator , $bracketed , $args... )
Creates a new list populated with the results of calling a specified function on every item in a list.

prepend ( $list, $value , $separator )
Returns a copy of a list with the specified value added to the beginning.

reduce ( $list, $transformer , $initial-value , $args... )
Reduces a list to a single value as the product of calling a specified function on every item in a list.

reduce-right ( $list, $transformer , $initial-value , $args... )
Reduces a list to a single value as the product of calling a specified function on every item in a list, starting with the last item to the first.

remove ( $list, $value , $separator )
Returns a copy of a list without the specified value.

remove-nth ( $list, $index , $separator )
Returns a copy of a list without the value at a given index.

replace ( $list, $value, $replacement , $separator )
Returns a copy of a list with all occurrences of the specified value replaced by the specified replacement.

reverse ( $list , $separator )
Reverses a list in place. The first item becomes the last, and the last item becomes the first.

set-nth ( $list, $index, $value , $separator )
Returns a copy of a list with the value at the given index replaced with the specified value.

slice ( $list, $start-at , $end-at , $separator )
Extracts a portion of a list into a new list selected from a starting index through a ending index.

some ( $list, $predicate , $args... )
Tests whether at least one item in a list satisfies the test implemented by the specified function.

sort ( $list , $compare , $center , $separator )
Sorts the items of a list in place. The default sort order is ascending, built upon converting the items into strings, then comparing their sequences of UTF-16 code units values.

to-string ( $list )
Returns a string representing the specified list and its items.

Don't see the function you're looking for? Request a new feature describing a use case.

Comparison Methods

compare-string (), compare-string-desc ()
Returns a function reference to the string comparison method used by the sort function.
  <dt><code>compare-string ( $first-item, $second-item )</code></dt>
  <dd>Used to compare two list items by converting them to strings, then comparing the value's sequences of UTF-16 code units values in ascending order. All null items are shifted right.</dd>
  <dt><code>compare-string-desc ( $first-item, $second-item )</code><dt>
  <dd>Used to compare two list items by converting them to strings, then comparing the value's sequences of UTF-16 code units values in descending order. All null items are shifted left.</dd>

compare-numeric (), compare-numeric-desc ()
Returns a function reference to the numeric comparison method used by the sort function.
  <dt><code>compare-numeric ( $first-item, $second-item [, $center] )</code></dt>
  <dd>Used to compare two list items as numbers in ascending order. All non-numeric items are shifted right.</dd>
  <dt><code>compare-numeric-desc ( $first-item, $second-item [, $center] )</code><dt>
  <dd>Used to compare two list items as numbers in descending order. All non-numeric items are shifted left.</dd>

More information on comparison logic and reference functions.

Combined API

In order to avoid constantly declaring both the native 'sass:list' module and this library, the combined API has been added which merges the two.
// Rather than using both modules separately...
@use 'sass-list';
@use 'sass:list';

// ...this statement will accomplish the same thing.
@use 'sass-list/list';

Note: Since their functionality is enhanced by this library, the combined API hides the native list.index(), list.join() and list.set-nth() functions.

Further Reading

  1. Comparison Logic
  2. Reference Functions
  3. List Configuration Modifiers