
Restructure your project files in a structured way

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310.0.36 years ago6 years agoMinified + gzip package size for restructor in KB


It could: - make all file names camelCase - make all file names snake-case - rename all React sources to jsx - and name them from Capital letter, as long they export Class - or name from lower, if not. Why not? - add aliases to code base - remove aliases from code base - move a file to a new position And it this same time: - it will use git mv to rename the file. Maintaining history. - it will update all the usages from just renamed file. It will help you RESTRUCTURE your codebase, rewiring all imports, requires, and even proxyquire
There are 4 pre-created schemes - import toReactCamelCase from 'restructor/scheme/React-Camel-case - to restructure to React+CamelCase - import toSnakeCase from 'restructor/scheme/snake-case - to restructure to snake case - import rewireAlises from 'restructor/scheme/change-aliases - to change aliases - import rename from 'restructor/scheme/rename - just to rename anything
All accepts root as the first argument, and aliases as the second.
const aliases =  {
  common: path.resolve('src/common'),
  components: path.resolve('src/components'),  

await toReactCamelCase(root, aliases)
await toKebabCase(root, aliases)
await rewireAlises(root, oldAliases, newAliases)
await rename(root, renameCallback, aliases)

All will return the set of changes, you have to apply. For example
const changes = await toKebabCase(root, aliases);
await writeContent(change);
await gitRenameAsync(change);
// the main
import restructor from 'restructor';
import {toGit} from 'restructor/versionControl';
import {isJS} from 'restructor/types';
import {isReact, toJSX, isHOC} from "restructor/React";
import {startsFromLower, startsFromCapital, toSnakeCase, toCamelCase} from "restructor/letterCase";
import {isClassDefaultExported} from "restructor/exports";
import {applyAliases, toRelative, renameImports, resolveImports, rewireImports} from 'restructor/imports'


  • structure = await restructor(root) - generates the structure
  • structure = rename(structure, callback) - renames the files by the rule
  • async writeContent(structure) - writes content back to files
  • where structure is array of file.


  • const structure = await gitRenameAsync(structure) - flushes the commands into GIT


  • isJS(file), isCSS(file) - returns a file type. (.ts is also js)
  • isReact(file) - true, if file contain JSX.
  • isHOC(file, additionalSignatures=[]) - true, if HOC is exported as default export.
  • toJSX(fileName) - rename file to jsx(or tsx).


  • startsFromLower(fileName)/startsFromCapital - changes file signature.
  • toSnakeCase(fileName)/toCamelCase - changes file signature.


  • isClassDefaultExported(file) - true, if class is exported as default export.
  • nameAsExport(file) - use default exported Component name as name.


resolveImports(structure, aliases) - main module function, fills the imports information. rewireImports(structure) - main module function, flushes the changes back renameImports(structure) - applies module renames (already done in resolveImports)
toRelative(structure) - converts all paths to relative applyAliases(structure, aliases) - applies aliases where possible.
This is ReactCamelCase scheme
const structure = await restructure(root);
  const aliases = {
    '/': root,

  const renamed = rename(structure,
    file => {
      let fileName = file.file;
      if(!isTest(file)) {
        if (isJS(file)) {
          if (isReact(file)) {
            if (isClassDefaultExported(file)) {
              fileName = nameAsExport(file)
            fileName = toJSX(fileName);

          fileName = toCamelCase(fileName);
          if (isClassDefaultExported(file) || isHOC(file)) {
            fileName = startsFromCapital(fileName);
          } else {
            fileName = startsFromLower(fileName);
          fileName = keepIndex(fileName)
          return fileName;
      return null;

  const imported = resolveImports(renamed, {
    '/': root,

  const result = rewireImports(applyAliases(toRelative(renameImports(imported)), aliases, true))
    .filter(({file, rename, newContent, context}) => (
      (rename && file !== rename) || (newContent && newContent !== context)

  return result;