
One editing package to rule them all, one editing package to bind them.

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2,6121792.0.392 months ago5 years agoMinified + gzip package size for remirror in KB


One package to rule them all, one entry point to bind them.

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# yarn
yarn add remirror @remirror/pm

# pnpm
pnpm add remirror @remirror/pm

# npm
npm install remirror @remirror/pm

The remirror package will automatically install the @remirror/pm package for you. You only need to install it yourself if you'd like to ensure consistent versions of the prosemirror-* libraries when importing from @remirror/pm/state instead of prosemirror-state or @remirror/pm/model instead of prosemirror-model.


Rather than installing multiple scoped packages, the remirror package is a gateway to using all the goodness that remirror provides while minimising your bundle size.
The following creates a controlled editor with React.
import React from 'react';
import { SocialPreset } from 'remirror/extensions';
import { Remirror, SocialEmojiComponent, useRemirror } from '@remirror/react';

const EditorWrapper = () => {
  const socialPreset = new SocialPreset();
  const { state, onChange } = useRemirror({ extensions: () => [...socialPreset()] });

  return (
    <Remirror state={state} onChange={onChange} manager={manager} autoRender={true}>
      <SocialEmojiComponent />

These are the entry points available through the remirror package.
  • remirror - All the core functionality available through @remirror/core.
  • remirror/extensions - All the core extensions and presets made available through the main remirror repository. This doesn't include any framework specific extensions and presets.
  • remirror/dom - The dom framework implementation of via createDomEditor.