
React native wrapper for Zendesk Unified SDK

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React native wrapper for zendesk unified SDK. Supports both iOS and Android platforms.


It's an alpha version release as of now and only tested on RN >=0.61.0. Bugs and issues can be there.

Getting Started

Manual install

  1. With npm:
`npm install react-native-zendesk-v2`

or with yarn:

`yarn add react-native-zendesk-v2`


  1. Pod Install:
then run pod install: `(cd ios; pod install)`

or manually:

In Xcode, drag and drop `node_modules/react-native-zendesk-chat/RNZendeskChat.m` and `node_modules/react-native-zendesk-chat/RNZendeskChat.h` into your project.


You need to add this in your root build.gradle under allProjects -> repositories file of the project. maven { url '' }


In your code add:
Step 1. import RNZendeskChat from 'react-native-zendesk'


Place this code at the root of your application to initialize Zendesk SDK.
For all supported SDKs
	key: <chatAccountKey>,
	appId: <appId>,
	url: <zendeskUrl>,
	clientId: <zendeskClientId>,

If you just want ChatSDK use this instead: RNZendeskChat.initChat('<chatAccountKey>')
Step 2. Set user identifier
  • If your chat just runs behind a login you can pass in name and email whenever user logins if not, pass a JWT Token to identify the user on chat

	name: <name>,
	email: <email>,
- If you want to start chat without any user details you can use a JWT token.
	token: <JWT TOKEN>
Step 3. Show the UI based on what SDK you want to use
### Chat SDK
** To use chat sdk without answer bot, please add `chatOnly: true` in this method
	name: user.full_name,
	phone: user.mobile_phone,
	tags: ['tag1', 'tag2'],
	department: "Your department"
| Props  | Description |
| name | Name of the user |
| email | Email of the user
| phone | Phone number of the user |
| tags | Some specific tags you want to associate with the chat
| department | Any department you want to associate chat with |
| chatOnly | If you just want to start the ChatSDK and not answer or support SDKs. | 
| botName | The botname you want to show on your chat |
| color | Primary color (hex code) for chat bubbles only on iOS |

### Help Center (with and Without Chat SDK)
To initiate and display help center use the following method:
withChat: true // add this if you want to use chat instead of ticket creation
disableTicketCreation: true // add this if you want to just show help center and not add ticket creation
You can use either of these options `withChat` or `disableTicketCreation`, both can't be used together. 

*NOTE: Zendesk support with chat enabled is currently buggy, I am trying to resolve that issue. At present you can show help center with normal ticket creation.*
Working on currently adding more config options here and add customising properties.

### Customising Looks
For styling in android create a theme in your android folder with the following properties
And then add following to your project's AndroidManifest.xml file (use only the SDKs you use)
<activity android:name=""
      android:theme="@style/ZendeskTheme" />

  <activity android:name=""
      android:theme="@style/ZendeskTheme" />

  <activity android:name=""
      android:theme="@style/ZendeskTheme" />

  <activity android:name=""
      android:theme="@style/ZendeskTheme" />
  <activity android:name="zendesk.messaging.MessagingActivity"
      android:theme="@style/ZendeskTheme" />
For iOS only added a new function which can be used as below. This would set the primary color for the chat and other sdks
RNZendesk.setPrimaryColor(<hex color string>)
### Push notifications
For push notifications added a method to register token in Zendesk, all other handling and stuff needs to be done on the app itself.
To register your token with Zendesk call
RNZendesk.setNotificationToken(<your token>)


  • Add Help center
  • Allow setting form configuration from JS
  • Add examples
  • Allowing more native methods for updating visitorInfo
  • Adding customisation of SDK support
  • Exposing individual methods to support all SDKs and different combinations
  • Add more support of dynamic properties
  • More config for looks on iOS
  • Add support for PushNotifications

Contributions and PRs are always welcome.


React Native is MIT licensed, as found in the LICENSE file.