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0.2.17 years ago7 years agoMinified + gzip package size for react-native-twitter in KB


A Twitter API client library for React Native

Installation Usage
* [`auth(tokens, callbackUrl[, options])`](#authtokens-callbackurl-options)
* [`auth(tokens, pinPromise[, options])`](#authtokens-pinpromise-options)
* [`const client = twitter(tokens)`](#const-client-twittertokens)
* [`rest.get(path[, params])`](#restgetpath-params)
* [`[, params])`](#restpostpath-params)
* [`stream(path, params)` (Android only)](#streampath-params-android-only)


npm i react-native-twitter -S
react-native link

If you use 3-legged authorization, you need to add the deep link scheme for your callback URL. See React Native docs and example for more info.


import twitter, {auth} from 'react-native-twitter';

auth(tokens, callbackUrl[, options])

Get the client's authentication tokens via 3-legged authorization.
  • tokens
consumerKey Your consumer key consumerSecret Your consumer secret
  • callbackUrl The URL a user is redirected to, you need to add the deep link scheme for this URL
  • options
accessType Specify x_auth_access_type, supported values are 'read' or 'write' (See Twitter docs.) forSignIn If true, oauth/authenticate endpoint is used instead of oauth/authorize (Default: false) forceLogin Specify force_login (See Twitter docs.) (Default: false) screenName Specify screen_name (See Twitter docs.)
  • Returns: Promise of {accessToken, accessTokenSecret, id, name}
accessToken Access token accessTokenSecret Access token secret id User id name Screen name

auth(tokens, pinPromise[, options])

Get the client's authentication tokens via PIN-based authorization.
  • pinPromise Promise which resolves to PIN

  • Returns: Promise of {accessToken, accessTokenSecret, id, name}

const client = twitter(tokens)

Create a Twitter API client.
  • tokens
consumerKey Your consumer key consumerSecret Your consumer secret accessToken Access token accessTokenSecret Access token secret
const {rest, stream} = twitter(tokens);

rest.get(path[, params])

Make GET requests.
  • path The endpoint path
  • params Parameters for the request

  • Returns: Promise[, params])

Make POST requests.
  • path The endpoint path
  • params Parameters for the request

  • Returns: Promise

There is no File or Blob in React Native, but you can use Object with uri property as media files for media uploading endpoints such as account/updateprofileimage. Below is an example of changing profile image to the latest photo from CameraRoll.
CameraRoll.getPhotos({first: 1})
  .then(({edges: [{node: {image}}]}) =>'account/update_profile_image', {image}))
  .then(() => {console.log('done');})

stream(path, params) (Android only)

Connect to Streaming APIs.
  • path The endpoint path
  • params Parameters for the request

  • Returns: EventEmitter
'data' 'error' close() Close the connection