
React Native components to utilise the Place Autocomplete service of the Google Places API

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React Native Google Place Autocomplete
React Native components for the Place Autocomplete service of the Google Places API Web Service.


npm install react-native-google-place-autocomplete --save

Example Usage

import GooglePlaceAutocomplete from 'react-native-google-place-autocomplete';

export default function Autocomplete() {
    return (
            googleAPIKey="YOUR API KEY"
            onResult={result => console.log}
            placeholder="Type to search..." />


| Prop | Type | Default | Notes | |---|---|---|---| | debounce | number | 250 | The number of milliseconds to delay before requesting autocomplete predictions. | | googleAPIKey | string | | Your Google API Key. The Google Places API Web Service must be enabled for this key. | | placeholder | string | | The placeholder text to be displayed in the autocomplete input when the value is empty. | | value | string | | The value of the autocomplete input. |


| Name | Returns | Notes | |---|---|---| | onChangeText | string | | | onPredictions | Array<Prediction> | Where a Prediction is defined by the predictions property of the response of the Place Autocomplete API. | onResult | Place | Where a Place is defined by the result property of the response of the Place Detail API.


Heavily influenced by react-native-google-places-autocomplete. Mainly a bit of restructuring and uses the Google Places Autocomplete API rather than the Nearby Search or Geocoding API's.