
A simple file-logger for React Native

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A simple file-logger for React Native with configurable rolling policy, based on CocoaLumberjack on iOS and Logback on Android.


  • 💆‍♂️ Easy to setup: Just call FileLogger.configure() and you're done. All your existing console.log/debug/... calls are automatically logged into a file
  • 🌀 File rolling: Support for time and size-based file rolling. Max number of files and size-limit can be configured. File rolling can also be disabled.
  • 📬 Email support: Logging into a file is useless if users cannot send logs back to developers. With react-native-file-logger, file logs can be sent by email without having to rely on another library
  • 🛠 TypeScript support: Being written entirely in TypeScript, react-native-file-logger has always up-to-date typings

How it works

React-native-file-logger uses the undocumented global.__inspectorLog from React Native. It allows to intercept any calls to console and to retrieve the already-formatted log message. React-native-file-logger uses file-loggers from CocoaLumberjack on iOS and Logback Android on Android to append messages into log files with an optional rolling policy.


npm i react-native-file-logger
npx pod-install

New architecture

For react-native 0.71 and higher, next version is compatible with current and new architecture.
npm i react-native-file-logger
# New architecture
cd ios && RCT_NEW_ARCH_ENABLED=1 bundle exec pod install
# OR, if you are using current architecture (backward compatibility)
# npx pod-install

React-Native 0.69 and under

For older React-native version, use version v0.4.1

Getting started

import { FileLogger } from "react-native-file-logger";


This is all you need to add file-logging to your app. All your existing console calls will be appended to a log file. FileLogger.configure() also takes options to customize the rolling policy, log directory path or log-level. If you don't want to use console calls for logging, you can also use the direct access API.


FileLogger.configure(options?): Promise

Initialize the file-logger with the specified options. As soon as the returned promise is resolved, all console calls are appended to a log file. To ensure that no logs are missing, it is good practice to await this call at the launch of your app.
| Option | Description | Default | | ---------------------- | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ------------------------------------------ | | logLevel | Minimum log level for file output (it won't affect console output) | LogLevel.Debug | | formatter | A function that takes the log level and message and returns the formatted string to write to the log file. | Default format: ${now} [${level}] ${msg} | | captureConsole | If true, all console calls are automatically captured and written to a log file. It can also be changed by calling the enableConsoleCapture() and disableConsoleCapture() methods | true | | dailyRolling | If true, a new log file is created every day | true | | maximumFileSize | A new log file is created when current log file exceeds the given size in bytes. 0 to disable | 1024 * 1024 (1MB) | | maximumNumberOfFiles | Maximum number of log files to keep. When a new log file is created, if the total number of files exceeds this limit, the oldest file is deleted. 0 to disable | 5 | | logsDirectory | Absolute path of directory where log files are stored. If not defined, log files are stored in the cache directory of the app | undefined |

FileLogger.sendLogFilesByEmail(options?): Promise

Send all log files by email. On iOS, it uses MFMailComposeViewController to ensure that the user won't leave the app when sending log files.
| Option | Description | | --------- | ------------------------------------ | | to | Email address of the recipient | | subject | Email subject | | body | Plain text body message of the email |


Enable appending messages from console calls to the current log file. It is already enabled by default when calling FileLogger.configure().


After calling this method, console calls will no longer be written to the current log file.


Change the minimum log level for file-output. The initial log level can be passed as an option to FileLogger.configure().

FileLogger.getLogLevel(): LogLevel

Return the current log level.

FileLogger.getLogFilePaths(): Promise>

Returns a promise with the absolute paths to the log files.

FileLogger.deleteLogFiles(): Promise

Remove all log files. Next console calls will be appended to a new empty log file.

Direct access API

If you don't want to use console calls for file-logging, you can directly use the following methods to directly write messages to the log file. It is encouraged to wrap these calls with your own logger API.


Shortcut for FileLogger.write(LogLevel.Debug, msg).

Shortcut for FileLogger.write(LogLevel.Info, msg).


Shortcut for FileLogger.write(LogLevel.Warning, msg).


Shortcut for FileLogger.write(LogLevel.Error, msg).

FileLogger.write(level, msg)

Append the given message to the log file with the specified log level. The message will be formatted with the formatter function specified during the FileLogger.configure() call.


Release build give empty files

If you are using the console logger api, please check that you do NOT strip logging from your release build with custom transformers in your babel.config.js like babel-plugin-transform-remove-console