
A react native module for simple hex color selection

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React Native Color Palette.
A react native module for simple hex color selection
alt text
  • x Controlled and Uncontrolled implementations
  • x Simple to use

Getting started

Install the color picker
npm install react-native-color-palette --save

import ColorPalette from 'react-native-color-palette'

const UncontrolledColorPicker = () => (
    onChange={color => alert(`Color selected: ${color}`)}
    colors={['#C0392B', '#E74C3C', '#9B59B6', '#8E44AD', '#2980B9']}
    title={"Uncontrolled Color Palette:"}
      // Icon can just be text or ASCII

const ControlledColorPicker = () => {
  let selectedColor = '#C0392B';
  return (
      onChange={color => selectedColor = color}
      colors={['#C0392B', '#E74C3C', '#9B59B6', '#8E44AD', '#2980B9']}
      title={"Controlled Color Palette:"}
        <Icon name={'check-circle-o'} size={25} color={'black'} />
      // React-Native-Vector-Icons Example
Due to its Flexbox design, Color Palette will use the space you provide!



Color Palette accepts properties below.
| Property | Type | Note | | --------------- | ---------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | | colors | Array | Array of hex color strings for rendering. ex) '#C0392B', '#E74C3C', '#9B59B6', '#8E44AD', '#2980B9' | | defaultColor | String | Defines initial selected color in uncontrolled component. | | value | String | Defines selected color in controlled component. | | paletteStyles | ViewStyle | Styles passed to color palette container | | onChange | Function | Callback with color (HEX string) as argument called when user confirms color selection. | | title | String | Text to display at the top of the palette. | | titleStyles | TextStyle | Inherits the default react-native Text Styles | | icon | Text or Icon | Selector Text or Icon to be displayed in place of checkmark. | | scaleToWindow | Bool | This will automatically scale the palette to fit 6 per line and will scale up/down for iPads/ iPhones depending on window size |