
JSON Editor for React

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JSON editor for React
How to use
  • import JsonEditor component

import { JsonEditor } from 'react-json-edit';
  • Add to render method and supply a callback method

class MyComponent extends Component {

  constructor(props) {
    this.state = {
      json: undefined /*  setup here or load elsewhere */
  callback = (changes) => {
    this.setState({json: changes});

  render() {
    return (
        <JsonEditor value={this.state.json} propagateChanges={this.callback}/>
It possible to parse and see errorMessage from parsing with the following helper method
import { parse } from 'react-json-edit';

load_callback(text) {
   const parsed = parse(text);

   if(parsed.json === undefined) {
       this.setState({message: parsed.errorText});
   } else {
       this.setState({json: parsed.json, message: undefined});

render() {
  return (
     <JsonEditor value={this.state.json} propagateChanges={this.callback}/>
I decided to use inline styling, due to troubles with Isomorphic rendering. The styling can be changed with a props on JsonEditor or via css.
<JsonEditor styling={ ... object } where the following keys can be set: root, array, object, object-row, array-row, value, key, string, number, undefined, boolean, null, button, add-group (AddButton), add-input, add-button, save-button, cancel-button, delete-button. Remember that React uses different style names than css does.
or the css class names (which trumps inline style!): JsonEditor, ArrayItem, ObjectItem, ArrayRow, ObjectRow, KeyItem, StringItem, NumberItem, BooleanItem,
Editor elements: AddButton, AddInput, add-input, add-button, save-button, cancel-button, delete-button,
Table like style
Add props tableLike={true} to view json in a table.
render() {
  return (
      <JsonEditor value={this.state.json} tableLike={true} propagateChanges={this.callback}/>
  1. Test!
  2. More setup options
- Number of levels - Configure add buttons - Schema for adding stuff
  1. Eventually built in text editor where result is parsed automatically