
Renderless data provider

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⚙️📦 GearBox
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Composes renderless containers and manages them in afterlive. Heavily inspired by react-adopt(context compose), react-powerplug(renderless containers) and redux-restate(fractal state).
The purpose of this library is - (torque) combine "container"(plugs, context, states), to form more complex structure (gearbox). - (transmission) provide a way to access them down the tree (train). - (gear train) provide a way to alter their work (transmission).
That's why - gearbox
import {gearbox} from 'react-gearbox';

// consume any "headless" component
const State = gearbox({
   name: <Value initial="Bruce Wayne" />,
   nick: <Value initial="Batman" />,
   team: <UnstatedContainer />,
   enemies: Context.Consumer

// create state and access via renderprops
<State render>
  {({nick}) => <span>cos I am {nick.value}</span>}

// create state, and access it later using train
  <span>cos I am <State.train>{({nick}) => nick.value}</State.train></span>

// unwrap powerplug using transmission
  <State.transmission clutch={({nick}) => ({nick: nick.value})}>
    <span>cos I am <State.train>{({nick}) => nick}</State.train></span>

* `gearbox(gears, options?): Gearbox` - creates a Gearbox component. Where
 * `gears` is a shape of different _render-prop-ish_ components, for example:
      - ReactElements, or 
      - FunctionalStatelessComponents, or 
      - Context.Consumers.
  * `options` is an optional field.
      - options.transmission(input, props) => output - build in transmission, to be applied on gears.
      - options.defaultProps - set default props for a future component (note: defaultProps are not reflected on types, PR welcomed)

Produces a `Gearbox` - renderless container, which will provide _torque_ from all gears as a render prop.

* `transmission(gearboxIn, clutch): Gearbox` - created a devired Gearbox, with "clutch" function applied to all stored data. 
leftMenuController: <Toggle initial={} />,
   topMenuController: <Toggle initial={} />,
   toggler: gear(Toggle, { initial: {} }), // ~ <Toggle initial={} children={mock} />
`Gearbox` is a compound component, and includes 2 sub components
* Gearbox.train - _React Context_ based long-range torque provider, which will provide access to the parent Gearbox from the nested components.
* Gearbox.transmission - establish a local (declarative) transmission. Might not be type safe.

`Gearbox` has only one prop - `render`, if not set - children is a ReactNode. If set - renderProp(function as a children)

`gear(component, props)` - a small helper to create elements, without mocking `children` prop 
## Rules
 - `Gearboxes` are used to combine gears together, and put them into context.
 - `trains` - to access distant gearbox.
 - `transmission` - to adapt data structure for the local needs.
## Adaptation
 Gearbox could merge output from different component using the keys as names.
 But sometimes you need a bit another structure, for example - just rename fields.
import {gearbox, gear} from 'react-gearbox';
import {Toggle} from 'react-powerplug';

 const Gearbox = gearbox({   
  }, {
   transmission: ({leftMenuController, topMenuController}) => ({
     isLeftMenuOpen: leftMenuController.value,
     isTopMenuOpen: topMenuController.value,
     toggleLeftMenuOpen: leftMenuController.toggle,
     toggleTopMenuOpen: topMenuController.toggle     

In the same way - you can create a new Components

 const Switch = gearbox({   
   toggle: props => <Toggle {...props} />,
  }, {
   transmission: ({toggle}) => ({
     enabled: toggle.on,
     switch: toggle.toggle     
   defaultProps: {
     render: true, // render props as default
     local: false,  // no context support,
     pure: true, // behaves as a pure component (or readux-connect)

// new component adopted!
<Switch initial={true}>
 {({enabled, switch}) => ... }

The same technique could be used to achieve the same results as recompose's `withHandlers`
> While gearbox itself is `withState`.  

# Observed bits
Gearbox utilizes React.Context `observerBits` feature, not calling `Trains` if data they consume not changed.
With `pure` option enabled this gives you fine control over update propagation flow.

You may opt-out by using `Gearbox.directTrain`.
<Gear.train>{({value1}) => <b>will only update, when "value1" got updated</span>}</Gear.train>
<Gear.directTrain>{({value1}) => <b>will update on any GearBox update</span>}</Gear.directTrain>
Gearbox also provides a fancy debugging. Just double check React Dev Tools. In addition: - setDebug(boolean | function) - enableds low-level debug.
  1. Create a gearbox
import {gearbox} from 'react-gearbox';
import {Value, Toggle} from 'react-powerplug';

const Gearbox = gearbox({
  // pass a pre-created Element, as you could do with react-adopt
  storedValue: <Value initial={42} />,
  // pass component, to initialize Element from props (applied only on mount)
  toggle: props => <Toggle initial={props.on} />,
  // pass React.Context
  data: reactContext.Consumer as any, // !! "pure" consumers are not "type safe"
  // or pass it as React.Element
  context: <reactContext.Consumer children={null}/>,

  // you may access all the gearings from above
  smartComponent: (props, {data, context} /* all the props from above*/) => <OtherRenderProp />
  // Unstated container? Anything "render-prop" capable will work.
  stated: <UnstatedContainer />,

  1. Use Gearbox with or without renderprops

By default Gearbox expects ReactNode as a children, and data to be accessed via train, but you may specify render prop, to change this behavior to function-as-children.
render stands for renderProps, on is required by toggle, so required by Gearbox
```js const App = () => (
<Gearbox on render>
   {({storedValue, toggle, data, stated}) => <div>...</div>}
) const App = () => (
<Gearbox on>
) ```
  1. Use Gearbox.train to get the data
```js // once Gearbox is assembled - you can access it elsewhere using gear trains const Children = () => (
   {({storedValue, toggle, data, stated}) => <div>...</div>}
4. Use Gearbox.transmission to adopt the data   
 // component based Transmission are NOT type safe
 const Transmission = () => (
       clutch={({toggle, data}) => ({on:toggle.on, toggle: data.toggle})}
         <Gearbox.train> {/* you may use <Gearbox.train_untyped> */ }
             {({on, toggle}) => <div>...</div>}
const Transmission = () => (
       clutch={({toggle, data}) => ({on:toggle.on, toggle: data.toggle})}
       render /* use as render prop */
             {({on, toggle}) => <div>...</div>}

  1. Use transmission to achieve type safe transmission.
const TransmittedGear = transmission(Gearbox, ({toggle, data}) => ({on:toggle.on, toggle: data.toggle}));
