
React file input component for complete control over styling and abstraction from file reading.

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React file input component for complete control over styling and abstraction from file reading.


  • as (string): what format the FileReader should read the
file as (i.e., ``buffer`, `binary`, `url`, `text``). Defaults to ``url``.
  • children (element): if children is passed into
FileReaderInput, then the component will hide the native file input and instead display ``children`. Whenever the custom `children`` are clicked, the component will trigger the native file input prompt. This allows complete control over styling an display.
  • onChange (function): callback ``function(event, results)``.
Results will be an array of arrays, the size of which depending on how many files were selected. Each result will be an array of two items:
- *progressEvent*: ```result[0]``` is a
  object. You can retrieve the raw results at
  `````` among other things.
- *file*: ```result[1]``` is a
  [File]( object. You can
  retrieve the file name at `````` among other things.
All other props on ``FileReaderInput`` will be passed down to the native file input.


import React from 'react';
import FileReaderInput from 'react-file-reader-input';

class MyComponent extends React.Component {
  handleChange = (e, results) => {
    results.forEach(result => {
      const [e, file] = result;
      console.log(`Successfully uploaded ${}!`);
  render() {
    return (
        <label htmlFor="my-file-input">Upload a File:</label>
        <FileReaderInput as="binary" id="my-file-input"
          <button>Select a file!</button>