
React Bottom Sheet

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1.1.17 years ago7 years agoMinified + gzip package size for react-bottom-sheet in KB


react-bottom-sheet --------------- Installation ------------ ``` $ npm install react-bottom-sheet --save ``` Demos -------------- Example -------------- ```javascript import React from 'react'; import BottomSheet from 'react-bottom-sheet'; export default class Test extends React.Component { componentWillMount() {
showSheet: false,
} render() {
return (
<BottomSheet open={this.state.showSheet} onRequestClose={() => this.setState({ showSheet: false })}>
<h1>Bottom sheet modal content</h1>
<li>Animates from bottom to top</li>
<li>If the content height is more than the height of the device it will be scrollable.</li>
<li>Clicking on the grey area will close the modal</li>
} } ``` | Property | Type | Default | Description | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | className | string | | Bottom sheet content className. | | open | bool | false | If set to true the bottom sheet will open. | | onRequestClose | func | | This method will be called when an action is made to close this bottom sheet.
For example clicking on the overlay. | | zIndex | number | | css z-index value for the bottom sheet | | maxHeight | string | '100vh' | css max-height value for the bottom sheet.
Numbers are not allowed, you have to pass 10px as a string instead | | minHeight | string | | css min-height value for the bottom sheet.
Numbers are not allowed, you have to pass 10px as a string instead | | bottomSheetHeader | element | | If passed this element will render above the content. | | bottomSheetFooter | element | | If passed this element will render under the content. |
Contributing -------------- To contribute, follow these steps:
  • Fork this repo.
  • Clone your fork.
  • Run npm install
  • Run npm start
  • Goto localhost:3000
  • Add your patch then push to your fork and submit a pull request
License --------- MIT