
Command line to bootstrap prismic projects.

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39194.2.32 years ago8 years agoMinified + gzip package size for prismic-cli in KB


Command line tool to bootstrap Prismic projects.
oclif Version Downloads/week License
```sh-session $ npm install -g prismic-cli $ prismic COMMAND running command... $ prismic (-v|--version|version) prismic-cli/4.2.3 darwin-x64 node-v18.0.0 $ prismic --help COMMAND USAGE $ prismic COMMAND ...
<!-- usagestop -->
# Commands
<!-- commands -->
* [`prismic help [COMMAND]`](#prismic-help-command)
* [`prismic list`](#prismic-list)
* [`prismic login`](#prismic-login)
* [`prismic logout`](#prismic-logout)
* [`prismic new`](#prismic-new)
* [`prismic signup`](#prismic-signup)
* [`prismic slicemachine`](#prismic-slicemachine)
* [`prismic theme [SOURCE]`](#prismic-theme-source)
* [`prismic whoami`](#prismic-whoami)

## `prismic help [COMMAND]`

display help for prismic
USAGE $ prismic help COMMAND
ARGUMENTS COMMAND command to show help for
OPTIONS --all see all commands in CLI
_See code: [@oclif/plugin-help](

## `prismic list`

List all the available project template generators.
USAGE $ prismic list
OPTIONS -h, --help show CLI help
_See code: [src/commands/list.ts](

## `prismic login`

Log in to Prismic.
USAGE $ prismic login
OPTIONS -h, --help show CLI help --port=port default: 5555 Port to start the local login server.
_See code: [src/commands/login.ts](

## `prismic logout`

Log out of Prismic.
USAGE $ prismic logout
OPTIONS -h, --help show CLI help
_See code: [src/commands/logout.ts](

## `prismic new`

Create a project with a new Prismic repository.
USAGE $ prismic new
OPTIONS -d, --domain=domain Name of the Prismic repository. For example: repo-name, becomes -f, --folder=folder Name of the project folder. -h, --help show CLI help -t, --template=template Prismic template for the project. --existing-repo Connect to an existing Prismic repository. --force Overwrite local files. --skip-install Prevent running install command after generating project.
_See code: [src/commands/new.ts](

## `prismic signup`

Create a Prismic account.
USAGE $ prismic signup
OPTIONS -h, --help show CLI help --port=port default: 5555 Port to start the local login server.
_See code: [src/commands/signup.ts](

## `prismic slicemachine`

Slice Machine commands
USAGE $ prismic slicemachine
OPTIONS -d, --domain=domain Prismic repo to create. -f, --folder=folder Output directory. -h, --help show CLI help --add-storybook Add Storybook to a Slice Machine project. --bootstrap Reconfigure a Slice Machine project. --create-slice Add a Slice to a Slice Machine project. --develop Run Slice Machine. --existing-repo Connect to an existing Prismic repository when running --setup or --bootstrap --force Overwrite local files. --framework=framework framework to use, see list for options --library=library Name of the Slice library. --list List local Slices. --setup Setup Slice Machine in an already existing project. --skip-install Prevent npm install from running. --sliceName=sliceName Name of the Slice.
ALIASES $ prismic sm
_See code: [src/commands/slicemachine.ts](

## `prismic theme [SOURCE]`

Create a project from a ZIP file or a GitHub repository URL and a new Prismic repository.
USAGE $ prismic theme SOURCE
ARGUMENTS SOURCE Path or URL to a ZIP file, or a GitHub repository for the theme.
OPTIONS -c, --conf=conf default: prismic-configuration.js Path to Prismic configuration file.
-d, --domain=domain Name of the new Prismic repository. For example, repo-name becomes
-f, --folder=folder Name of the project folder.
-h, --help show CLI help
-t, --theme-url=theme-url GitHub URL or path to the theme file.
--customTypes=customTypes default: customtypes Path to the Custom Types directory in the theme.
--documents=documents default: documents Path to the documents in the theme.
--existing-repo Connect to an existing Prismic repository.
--force Overwrite local files.
--skip-install Prevent running install command after generating project.
_See code: [src/commands/theme.ts](

## `prismic whoami`

Shows the email of the current user.
USAGE $ prismic whoami
OPTIONS -h, --help show CLI help ```
See code: src/commands/whoami.ts

Running Locally

  • Clone this repository git clone
  • go to the root folder cd prismic-cli
  • install and/or link the dependencies with or yarn (uses workspaces)
  • Commands can be executed from the packages/prismic-cli/bin/run file i.e: ./bin/run --help


Run tests with npm test or yarn test The main testing libary used is @oclif/test
the documentation on how to use the testing library can be found here Mocking/stubbing dependencies can be tricky due package versions for nested dependencies, and native modules being used else where.


eslint is automatically run after the test script, but it can also be invoked by running npm run posttest or yarn posttest, optionally with a --fix flag.


lerna is used for managing versions and publishing. update versions with lerna version [semantic-version] --exact Publish with lerna publish [--dist-tag alpha]

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