
Angular 2+ library that uses marked to parse markdown to html combined with Prism.js for synthax highlights

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1,017281.3.27 years ago7 years agoMinified + gzip package size for ng2-markdown-to-html in KB


CircleCI Coverage Status version npm dependencies Status peerDependencies Status ng2-markdown-to-html is an Angular 2+ library that uses marked to parse markdown to html combined with Prism.js for synthax highlights. Demo available @


Use the following command to add ng2-markdown-to-html library to your package.json file. ```bash npm install ng2-markdown-to-html --save ```


To activate Prism.js synthax highlight you will need to choose a css theme file from node_modules/prismjs/themes directory and add it to your application along with @types/prismjs types file.
Note that you can also find additional themes by browsing the web such as Prism-Themes or Mokokai for example.
If you are using Angular CLI you can follow the example below...


```diff "styles": "styles.css",
  • "../nodemodules/prismjs/themes/prism-okaidia.css"
, ``` (for Angular-CLI >= 1.0.0-rc.0)

```diff "compilerOptions": { "types":
  • "prismjs"
}, ```


You must import MarkdownToHtmlModule inside your module to be able to use markdown-to-html component and/or directive. ```diff import { NgModule } from '@angular/core'; import { CommonModule } from '@angular/common';
  • import { MarkdownToHtmlModule } from 'ng2-markdown-to-html';
import { HomeComponent } from './home.component'; @NgModule({ imports:
  • MarkdownToHtmlModule.forRoot(),
, declarations: HomeComponent, }) ``` ng2-markdown-to-html provides one component and one directive to parse your markdown to your web application.


You can use markdown-to-html component to either parse static markdown directly from your html markup, load the content from a remote url using src property or bind a variable to your component using data property. ```html # Markdown src="'path/to/'"> data="markdown"> ```


The same way the component works, you can use markdown-to-html directive to accomplish the same thing. ```html
# Markdown

Synthax highlight

When using static markdown you are responsible to provide the code block with related language. ```diff
  • ```typescript
const myProp: string = 'value';
  • ```
``` When using remote url ng2-markdown-to-html will use file extension to automatically resolve the code language. ```html src="'path/to/file.html'"> src="'path/to/file.php'"> ``` When using variable binding you can optionally use language pipe to specify the language of the variable content (default value is markdown when pipe is not used). ```html data="markdown | language : 'typescript'"> ```

Demo application

A demo is available @ and it source code can be found inside the src/app/markdown-demo directory. The following commands will clone the repository, install npm dependencies and serve the application @ http://localhost:4200 ```bash git clone npm install ng serve ```

AoT compilation

Building with AoT is part of the CI and is tested every time a commit occurs so you don't have to worry at all.

Road map

Here is the list of tasks that will be done on this library in a near future ...
  • Add CircleCI integration
  • Publish demo on github pages
  • Add variable binding feature
  • Transpile library to Javascript
  • Make Prism highlight optional
  • Support Prism.js customizing options (line-numbers, line-height, ...)


Contributions are always welcome, just make sure that ...
  • Your code style matches with the rest of the project
  • Unit tests pass
  • Linter passes


Licensed under MIT.