
A markdown-it plugin for Shiki with Twoslash code samples

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1,007622.1.3a year ago3 years agoMinified + gzip package size for markdown-it-shiki-twoslash in KB



Sets up markdown code blocks to run through shiki which means it gets the VS Code quality syntax highlighting mixed with the twoslash JavaScript tooling from the TypeScript website.

Plugin Setup

  1. Install the dependency: yarn add markdown-it-shiki-twoslash
  2. Include "markdown-it-shiki-twoslash" in the plugins section of the markdown-it parser:
import shikiTwoslash from "markdown-it-shiki-twoslash"
import MarkdownIt from "markdown-it"

const md = MarkdownIt()
md.use(shikiTwoslash, { theme: "nord" })

const html = md.render(file)

or _even better_:

import { markdownItShikiTwoslashSetup } from "markdown-it-shiki-twoslash"
import MarkdownIt from "markdown-it"

const md = MarkdownIt()

const shiki = await markdownItShikiTwoslashSetup({
  theme: "nord",

const html = md.render(file)

Because shiki uses WASM to handle the syntax highlighting, _it has to be async code_, this clashes with the markdown-it API which enforces synchronous code. In the first code sample, the plugin uses [`deasync`]( to convert that async work to sync. It's safe to say that you _probably don't want deasync'd code in critical systems_.
  1. Follow the steps in to add the CSS requirements.
  2. Follow the instructions on, this module leaves all the heavy lifting to that module.