
The JavaScript Code Quality Tool

  • jslint

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Easily use JSLint from the command line.
jslint bin/jslint.js

What's New

Added latest jslint, 2018-01-27.
Version 0.12.0 contains the latest jslint-es6
See CHANGELOG.md for detailed change history

Use the command-line client

Install (both local and global are supported)

npm i jslint

Use the default jslint

jslint lib/color.js

Always use the latest jslint

jslint --edition=latest lib/color.js

Use a specific edition

For example, edition 2013-02-03 which shipped with node-jslint 0.1.9:
jslint --edition=2013-02-03 lib/color.js

Use node-jslint programmatically

Streams interface

As of node-jslint 0.4.0, a streams interface is exposed. You can use it in client code like this:
Install as a dependency:
$ npm install --save jslint
Pull it into your code with require:
var LintStream = require('jslint').LintStream;
Create and configure the stream linter:
var options = {
    "edition": "latest",
    "length": 100
    l = new LintStream(options);
Send files to the linter:
var fileName, fileContents;
l.write({file: fileName, body: fileContents});
Receive lint from the linter:
l.on('data', function (chunk, encoding, callback) {
    // chunk is an object

    // chunk.file is whatever you supplied to write (see above)
    assert.deepEqual(chunk.file, fileName);

    // chunk.linted is an object holding the result from running JSLint
    // chunk.linted.ok is the boolean return code from JSLINT()
    // chunk.linted.errors is the array of errors, etc.
    // see JSLINT for the complete contents of the object

You can only pass options to the LintStream when creating it. The edition option can be used to select different editions of JSLint.
The LintStream is in object mode (objectMode: true). It expects an object with two properties: file and body. The file property can be used to pass metadata along with the file. The body property contains the file to be linted; it can be either a string or a Buffer.
The LintStream emits 'data' events containing an object with two properties. The file property is copied from the file property that is passed in. The linted property contains the results of running JSLINT.

Simple interface

The simple interface provides an edition-aware loader. This can be used as a frontend to node-jslint's collection of editions of the JSLINT code.
var node_jslint = require('jslint'),
    JSLINT = node_jslint.load(edition);
This exposes the same loading interface used in node-jslint, so it supports the special edition names default and latest as well as date-based edition names such as 2013-08-26
As of version 0.5.0, the load function also accepts filenames. To be recognized as a filename, the argument to load must contain a path-separator character (/ or \) or end with the extension .js.

Usage examples

Multiple files
jslint lib/color.js lib/reporter.js
All JSLint options supported
jslint --white --vars --regexp lib/color.js
Defaults to true, but you can specify false
jslint --bitwise false lib/color.js
Pass arrays
jslint --predef $ --predef Backbone lib/color.js
JSLint your entire project
jslint '**/*.js'

Using JSLint with a config file

Start with the included jslint.conf.example file, name it jslint.conf and customize your options per project or copy it to $HOME/.jslint.conf to apply your setting globally


See LICENSE file.