
A recursive JavaScript object comparison script

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0.0.19 years ago9 years agoMinified + gzip package size for js-diff in KB


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A basic JavaScript object comparison script that will iterate, recursivly, through two JSON objects to compare differences.
This was built for a project in which I had a JSON object of user data that I cached on page load and compared against an edited version on save. I used this information to construct email summaries of changed behaviour as well as provide a detailed audit trail of actions.


Code can be found under src at src/diff.js. That's all you need to worry about and the code has no dependencies on any library. NodeJS and all the other files are purely for running tests.


obj1 and obj2 are two objects to be compared.


Returns false if no differences are found. Returns an object if differences are found. The object will maintain path structure where the value fot he changed key/value pair is highlighted by from and to fields.


var x = { name: 'omgaz', location: 'London' };
var y = { name: 'omgaz', location: 'Melbourne' };

getDiff(x, y);

// Returns object
  location: {
    from: 'London',
    to:   'Melbourne'


Build Status
If you'd like to run tests, check out the whole project. You'll need NodeJS installed. Tests use Karma and PhantomJS.
npm install
npm test