
Node.js G-Earth extension API

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Node.js G-Earth extension API
Requires Node.js V15.0.0+

How to install

Using npm: ```cmd $ npm install gnode-api ``` Using yarn: ```cmd $ yarn add gnode-api ```

How to run selfmade extension

```cmd $ node filename -p port ```


```cmd $ node extension.js -p 9092 ```


```js import { Extension, HPacket, HDirection } from 'gnode-api'; // Use package.json as extensionInfo or create an object including 'name', 'description', 'version' and 'author' import { readFile } from 'fs/promises'; const extensionInfo = JSON.parse(
await readFile(
new URL('./package.json', import.meta.url)
); // Create new extension with extensionInfo let ext = new Extension(extensionInfo); // Start connection to G-Earth; ```


Do on connection to G-Earth

```js ext.on('init', () => { console.log("Connected to G-Earth"); }); ```

Do on connection to hotel

```js ext.on('start', () => { console.log("Connected to G-Earth"); }); ```

Do on connection to hotel and get client info

```js ext.on('connect', (host, connectionPort, hotelVersion, clientIdentifier, clientType) => { // do something with client info }); ```

Do on connection to hotel ended

```js ext.on('end', () => { console.log("Connection to G-Earth ended"); }); ```

Do on click on button in G-Earth Extensions tab

```js ext.on('click', () => { console.log("G-Earth button clicked"); }); ```

Packet intercepting

Intercept all packets in one direction

```js ext.interceptAll(HDirection.TOCLIENT, hMessage => { let hPacket = hMessage.getPacket(); ... }); ext.interceptAll(HDirection.TOSERVER, hMessage => { let hPacket = hMessage.getPacket(); ... }); ```

Intercept all packets with a certain header id in one direction

```js ext.interceptByHeaderId(HDirection.TOCLIENT, 969, hMessage => { let hPacket = hMessage.getPacket(); ... }); ext.interceptByHeaderId(HDirection.TOSERVER, 2443, hMessage => { let hPacket = hMessage.getPacket(); ... }); ```

Intercept all packets by name or hash in one direction

```js ext.interceptByNameOrHash(HDirection.TOCLIENT, 'Ping', hMessage => { let hPacket = hMessage.getPacket(); ... }); ext.interceptByNameOrHash(HDirection.TOSERVER, 'Pong', hMessage => { let hPacket = hMessage.getPacket(); ... }); ```

Reading a packet

Reading a var by var

```js let hPacket = hMessage.getPacket(); // Example: {in:Chat}{i:1}{s:"Hello"}{i:0}{i:1}{i:0}{i:0} let userIndex = hPacket.readInteger(); let message = hPacket.readString(); hPacket.readInteger(); let bubble = hPacket.readInteger(); ```

Reading a structure into an array

```js let hPacket = hMessage.getPacket(); // Example: {in:Chat}{i:1}{s:"Hello"}{i:0}{i:1}{i:0}{i:0} let vars ='iSiiii'); let userIndex = vars0; let message = vars1; let bubble = vars3; ```

Creating a packet

Creating packet from identifier (name or hash) and direction

```js let hPacket = new HPacket('Chat', HDirection.TOCLIENT); // Example: {in:Chat} hPacket.appendInt(1); // {in:Chat}{i:1} hPacket.appendString('Hello'); // {in:Chat}{i:1}{s:"Hello"} hPacket.appendInt(0); // {in:Chat}{i:1}{s:"Hello"}{i:0} hPacket.appendInt(1); // {in:Chat}{i:1}{s:"Hello"}{i:0}{i:1} hPacket.appendInt0); // {in:Chat}{i:1}{s:"Hello"}{i:0}{i:1}{i:0} hPacket.appendInt(0); // {in:Chat}{i:1}{s:"Hello"}{i:0}{i:1}{i:0}{i:0} ```

Creating packet from header Id

```js let hPacket = new HPacket(1918) // Example: {l}{h:1918}
.appendInt(1)       // {l}{h:1918}{i:1}
.appendString('Hello')  // {l}{h:1918}{i:1}{s:"Hello"}
.appendInt(0)       // {l}{h:1918}{i:1}{s:"Hello"}{i:0}
.appendInt(1)       // {l}{h:1918}{i:1}{s:"Hello"}{i:0}{i:1}
.appendInt(0)       // {l}{h:1918}{i:1}{s:"Hello"}{i:0}{i:1}{i:0}
.appendInt(0);      // {l}{h:1918}{i:1}{s:"Hello"}{i:0}{i:1}{i:0}{i:0}

Creating packet from packet expression

```js let hPacket = new HPacket('{in:Chat}{i:1}{s:"Hello"}{i:0}{i:1}{i:0}{i:0}'); ``` OR ```js let hPacket = new HPacket('{l}{h:1918}{i:1}{s:"Hello"}{i:0}{i:1}{i:0}{i:0}'); ```

Sending a packet

Send packet to client

```js ext.sendToClient(hPacket); ```

Send packet to server

```js ext.sendToServer(hPacket); ```


For more examples and/or help read the wiki