
Mount versioned routes on an express app.

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Express Versioned Routes
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This middleware allows express routes to be mounted by version and provides a method to route between version paths and accept headers. The latter is based on the assumption that a version property will exist on the request object. See express-request-version as a means for doing this.
This middleware will mount paths from a directory that match the supported versions you specify. Each mounted directory's index.js should return either a router or valid middleware. For example, if the middleware is used with the base path routes and supported versions v1, v2, then the routers from routes/v1/index.js and routes/v2/index.js would be mounted.


var versionRoutes = require('express-versioned-routes');

app.use('/', versionRoutes(
  path.join(__dirname, 'routes'),
  ['v1', 'v1.1', 'v2']