
An accessible autocomplete utility library built for chakra UI

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Chakra-UI AutoComplete
An Accessible Autocomplete Utility for Chakra UI that composes Downshift ComboBox

NPM JavaScript Style Guide


Warning This Package is still WIP at the Moment and there might be some missing features
npm install --save chakra-ui-autocomplete


  • Usage Example with TSX/Typescript

import React from 'react'
import { CUIAutoComplete } from 'chakra-ui-autocomplete'

export interface Item {
  label: string;
  value: string;
const countries = [
  { value: "ghana", label: "Ghana" },
  { value: "nigeria", label: "Nigeria" },
  { value: "kenya", label: "Kenya" },
  { value: "southAfrica", label: "South Africa" },
  { value: "unitedStates", label: "United States" },
  { value: "canada", label: "Canada" },
  { value: "germany", label: "Germany" }

export default function App() {
  const [pickerItems, setPickerItems] = React.useState(countries);
  const [selectedItems, setSelectedItems] = React.useState<Item[]>([]);

  const handleCreateItem = (item: Item) => {
    setPickerItems((curr) => [...curr, item]);
    setSelectedItems((curr) => [...curr, item]);

  const handleSelectedItemsChange = (selectedItems?: Item[]) => {
    if (selectedItems) {

  return (
          label="Choose preferred work locations"
          placeholder="Type a Country"
          onSelectedItemsChange={(changes) =>

  • Usage Example with JSX/Javascript

import React from 'react'
import { CUIAutoComplete } from 'chakra-ui-autocomplete'

const countries = [
  { value: "ghana", label: "Ghana" },
  { value: "nigeria", label: "Nigeria" },
  { value: "kenya", label: "Kenya" },
  { value: "southAfrica", label: "South Africa" },
  { value: "unitedStates", label: "United States" },
  { value: "canada", label: "Canada" },
  { value: "germany", label: "Germany" }

export default function App() {
  const [pickerItems, setPickerItems] = React.useState(countries);
  const [selectedItems, setSelectedItems] = React.useState([]);

  const handleCreateItem = (item) => {
    setPickerItems((curr) => [...curr, item]);
    setSelectedItems((curr) => [...curr, item]);

  const handleSelectedItemsChange = (selectedItems) => {
    if (selectedItems) {

  return (
          label="Choose preferred work locations"
          placeholder="Type a Country"
          onSelectedItemsChange={(changes) =>

View on CodeSandbox

Usage Example with Custom Item Renderer

import React from 'react'
import { Text, Flex, Avatar } from '@chakra-ui/react'
import { CUIAutoComplete } from 'chakra-ui-autocomplete'

const countries = [
  { value: "ghana", label: "Ghana" },
  { value: "nigeria", label: "Nigeria" },
  { value: "kenya", label: "Kenya" },
  { value: "southAfrica", label: "South Africa" },
  { value: "unitedStates", label: "United States" },
  { value: "canada", label: "Canada" },
  { value: "germany", label: "Germany" }

export default function App() {
  const [pickerItems, setPickerItems] = React.useState(countries);
  const [selectedItems, setSelectedItems] = React.useState([]);

  const handleCreateItem = (item) => {
    setPickerItems((curr) => [...curr, item]);
    setSelectedItems((curr) => [...curr, item]);

  const handleSelectedItemsChange = (selectedItems) => {
    if (selectedItems) {

  const customRender = (selected) => {
    return (
      <Flex flexDir="row" alignItems="center">
        <Avatar mr={2} size="sm" name={selected.label} />

  const customCreateItemRender = (value) => {
    return (
        <Box as='span'>Create</Box>{' '}
        <Box as='span' bg='red.300' fontWeight='bold'>

  return (
              rounded: 'full'
            label="Choose preferred work locations"
            placeholder="Type a Country"
            onSelectedItemsChange={(changes) =>


| Property | Type | Required | Decscription | | ---------------------- | -------- | -------- | ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | items | Array | Yes | An array of the items to be selected within the input field | | placeholder | string | | The placeholder for the input field | | label | string | Yes | Input Form Label to describe the activity or process | | highlightItemBg | string | | For accessibility, you can define a custom color for the highlight color when user is typing also accept props like yellow.300 based on chakra theme provider | | onCreateItem | Function | Yes | Function to handle creating new Item | | optionFilterFunc | Function | Yes | You can define a custom Function to handle filter logic | | itemRenderer | Function | | Custom Function that can either return a JSX Element or String, in order to control how the list items within the Dropdown is rendered | | labelStyleProps | Object | | Custom style props based on chakra-ui for labels, Example `{{ bg: 'gray.100', pt: '4'}} | | inputStyleProps | Object | | Custom style props based on chakra-ui for input field, Example`{{ bg: 'gray.100', pt: '4'}} | | toggleButtonStyleProps | Object | | Custom style props based on chakra-ui for toggle button, Example `{{ bg: 'gray.100', pt: '4'}} | | tagStyleProps | Object | | Custom style props based on chakra-ui for multi option tags, Example`{{ bg: 'gray.100', pt: '4'}} | | listStyleProps | Object | | Custom style props based on chakra-ui for dropdown list, Example `{{ bg: 'gray.100', pt: '4'}} | | listItemStyleProps | Object | | Custom style props based on chakra-ui for single list item in dropdown, Example`{{ bg: 'gray.100', pt: '4'}} | | selectedIconProps | Object | | Custom style props based on chakra-ui for the green tick icon in dropdown list, Example `{{ bg: 'gray.100', pt: '4'}} | | icon | Object | CheckCircleIcon | @chakra-ui/icons Icon to be displayed instead of CheckCircleIcon | | hideToggleButton | boolean | | Hide the toggle button | | disableCreateItem | boolean | | Disable the "create new" list Item. Default is false | | createItemRenderer | Function | | Custom Function that can either return a JSX Element or String, in order to control how the create new item within the Dropdown is rendered. The input value is passed as the first function parameter, Example: `` (value) => Create ${value} `` | | renderCustomInput | Function | | Custom function to render input from outside chakra-ui-autocomplete. Receives input props for the input element and toggleButtonProps for the toggle button. Can use this to render chakra-ui's ``<InputGroup>`. Example: `(inputProps) => (<InputGroup><InputLeftElement pointerEvents="none" children={<PhoneIcon color="gray.300" />} /><Input {...inputProps} /></InputGroup>)``


  • Add Combobox Support for Single Select Downshift Combobox
  • x Multi Select Support
  • x Feature to Create when not in list
  • x Add prop for Items Renderer to enable rendering of React Element
  • Ability to define chakra-ui components that will render in place of Tags, MenuList, TextInput, Form Label will check render props or headless UI patterns.


MIT © koolamusic