
Angular directive for rendering markdown with markdown-it.

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Angular 1.x directive for rendering markdown with markdown-it. This directive is based on @btford's markdown directive.

Getting started

Quick start

Pick one of these options:
  • Download latest release
  • Clone the repository git clone
  • Install with NPM npm install angular-markdown-it
  • Install with Bower bower install angular-markdown-it


You'll need to load angular, angular-sanitize, and markdown-it in your markup like in the example below (assuming you installed via npm).
<!-- ... -->
<script src="node_modules/angular/angular.min.js"></script>
<script src="node_modules/angular-sanitize/angular-sanitize.min.js"></script>
<script src="node_modules/markdown-it/dist/markdown-it.min.js"></script>
<script src="node_modules/angular-markdown-it/dist/ng-markdownit.min.js"></script>
<!-- ... -->
<!-- ... -->
Since release 0.5 it is possible to lazy-load the markdown-it dependency. Just make sure it is available before a markdown-it directive is first called.
If you like browserify, you could include this snippet into your entry.js file instead. ````js require('angular'); require('angular-sanitize'); global.markdownit = require('markdown-it'); require('angular-markdown-it');
angular.module('myapp', 'mdMarkdownIt'); ````


Include the markdown-it directive in your templates:
Hey there!
It works! ````
You can also bind the markdown input to a scope variable:
Or, you include a markdown file:


By default, nothing has to be configured. All markdown will be rendered similar to GFM, but without HTML, typographer & autolinker features.
Nonetheless, there are two methods for changing behavior, which can be combined:

Changing options

You can pass in custom options to the markdownItConverterProvider by choosing a preset, and/or custom settings calling the config() method.
````js angular.module('myapp', 'ngSanitize', 'mdMarkdownIt') .config('markdownItConverterProvider', function(markdownItConverter) {
markdownItConverter.config('commonmark', {
  breaks: true,
  html: true
) ````
In above example, we'll use CommonMark mode, render line-breaks as <br> tags, and enable HTML tags in the source.
See markdown-it presets and options for all possible variations.

Using plugins

Adding plugins is supported by calling the use() method.
Each plugin must be added individually, but you can use method-chaining to simplify the process. The signature of use() mimicks the way how you would add plugins to vanilla markdown-it.
````js angular.module('myapp', 'ngSanitize', 'mdMarkdownIt') .config('markdownItConverterProvider', function(markdownItConverter) {
  .use(plugin2, opts, ...)
) ````
There are many markdown-it plugins available.
