
a functional library geared towards incremental games

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ammonite ammonite
Travis() Coveralls() npm() license() stability() Ammonite is a small library made for incremental games.


  • Small (under ~3Kb)
  • Immutable leverages Immutable.js constructs
  • Functional focuses on pure functions, helps ensure fewer side-effects


``` npm install ammonite --save ```


```Typescript import { Amount, AmountStore, Metric, NewEntryOptions } from 'ammonite'; ```



Amount is a class that Ammonite uses to control metrics. Its constructor takes a List of an item that has the same subset of properties as Metric (see Metric for more information). It uses a list as an easy way to maintain a record of all values—in a lot of incremental games, this ability is often lost, as it simply mutates a single value over time. | Property | Type | Optional? | Default | |----------------|------------------------|------------|----------| | load | List<T extends Metric> | No | | | treatAsInteger | boolean | Yes | false |
  • load is the List
  • treatAsInteger will round the value after each evaluation


Amount(load, treatAsInteger)

This is the constructor function for the Amount class. Remember that it requires an interface which extends from Metric. Example ```Typescript interface Dogs { total: number; averageWoof: number; averageBark: number; } let dogs = new Amount(List(), true); ```


Returns all items in the load.


Returns an exact copy of Amount. Note: not of load, but of the class itself.


Returns the first item in the load.


Returns the last item in the load.


Return the last item item in the load (alias for last()).


Returns the size of the load.

push(n: T)

Pushes a new value to the load and returns the new load. Note that the type of n must satisfy T, which is F-bounded to Metric.

sum(prop: string)

Returns the sum of the given property. Note that the property itself should be of type number. Example ```Typescript amount.sum('total'); ```

includes(v: T)

Returns a true if v is included in the load. Returns false otherwise.

sort<C>(prop: string)

Returns a new sorted List
  • C generic corresponds to the type of the property
  • prop is the property accessor for the Metric property
Example ```Typescript amount.sort(prop: 'total'); amount.sort(prop: 'time'); amount.sort(prop: 'alphabet'); ```

increment(inc: number, opts: NewEntryOptions<T>)

Increments the last value of the load and then returns a new load with the added value pushed onto it. See NewEntryOptions<T> for more information. Example ```Typescript amount.load = amount.increment(43); amount.load = amount.increment(1.057, { exponential: true }); ```

decrement(inc: number, opts: NewEntryOptions<T>)

Same as increment, except it substracts the given value, i.e. decrement(43) would subtract 43 from the most recent value.


AmountStore<K, V> is a class for managing all instances of Amount. | Property | Type | Optional? | Default | |----------|--------|------------|------| | store | Map<K, Amount<V>> | No | | Under most cases K will be a string, but it can also be a number.


get(key: K)

Returns the Amount which belongs to the key.


Returns the store.

set(key: K, value: Amount<V>)

Returns a new Map after settings a new value for the given key.


Returns an Iterator from the keys of store.

update(key: K, newValue: Amount<V>)

Returns a new Map with the updated value at the given key.

forEach(sideEffect: (value: Amount<V>, key: K, iter: Iterable<K, Amount<V>>) => any)

Performs a given side-effect. Returns the number of times the side-effect was produced.


Metric is an interface that is F-bounded to Amount. | Property | Type | Optional? | Default | |----------|--------|------------|------| | total | number | No | | | time | number | Yes | | | prop: string | any | Yes | | All generic types of Amount must extend from Metric. This is easy to do with extends. ```Typescript interface Click extends Metric {
total: number;
doubleClick?: boolean;
} ```


NewEntryOptions is the interface for new additions via increment and decrement. | Property | Type | Optional? | Default | |----------|--------|------------|------| | exponential | number | No | | | extra | any | Yes | |
  • exponential determines whether the increment number is treated as an exponential
  • extra is for additional metadata that may be required


WTF is an Ammonite?

It's this.

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