
Reactive MongoDB wrapper for Node.JS

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Lightweight reactive extension to official Node.js MongoDB driver.


  • ObjectId mapping. Automatically converts the _id field from the ObjectId to a string.
  • ️️Reactive. Fires events as a document created, updated, or deleted from the database;
  • CUD operations timestamps. Automatically sets createdOn, updatedOn, and deletedOn timestamps for CUD operations;
  • Schema validation. Validates your data before saving;
  • Paging. Implements high-level paging API;
  • Soft delete. By default, documents don't remove from the collection, but are marked with the deletedOn field;
  • Extendable. API is easily extendable, you can add new methods or override existing ones;
  • Outbox support. node-mongo can create collections with _outbox postfix that stores all CUD events for implementing the transactional outbox pattern;

The following example shows some of these features:
import { eventBus, InMemoryEvent } from '@paralect/node-mongo';

await userService.updateOne(
  { _id: '62670b6204f1aab85e5033dc' },
  (doc) => ({ firstName: 'Mark' }),

eventBus.onUpdated('users', ['firstName', 'lastName'], async (data: InMemoryEvent<User>) => {
  await userService.atomic.updateOne(
    { _id: data.doc._id },
    { $set: { fullName: `${data.doc.firstName} ${data.doc.lastName}` } },


npm i @paralect/node-mongo

Connect to Database

Usually, you need to define a file called db that does two things:
  1. Creates database instance and connects to the database;
  2. Exposes factory method createService to create different Services to work with MongoDB;

```typescript title=db.ts import { Database, Service, ServiceOptions, IDocument } from '@paralect/node-mongo';
import config from 'config';
const database = new Database(config.mongo.connection, config.mongo.dbName); database.connect();
class CustomService extends Service { // You can add new methods or override existing here }
function createService(collectionName: string, options: ServiceOptions = {}) { return new CustomService(collectionName, database, options); }
export default { database, createService, };
## Services

Service is a collection wrapper that adds all node-mongo features. Under the hood it uses Node.js MongoDB native methods.

`createService` method returns the service instance. It accepts two parameters: collection name and [ServiceOptions](#serviceoptions).

```typescript title=user.service.ts
import { z } from 'zod';

import db from 'db';

const schema = z.object({
  _id: z.string(),
  createdOn: z.date().optional(),
  updatedOn: z.date().optional(),
  deletedOn: z.date().optional().nullable(),
  fullName: z.string(),

type User = z.infer<typeof schema>;

const service = db.createService<User>('users', {
  schemaValidator: (obj) => schema.parseAsync(obj),

export default service;

```typescript title=update-user.ts import userService from 'user.service';
await userService.insertOne({ fullName: 'Max' });
## Schema validation
Node-mongo supports any schema library, but we recommend [Zod](https://zod.dev/), due to this ability to generate TypeScript types from the schemas.

### Zod

const schema = z.object({
  _id: z.string(),
  createdOn: z.date().optional(),
  updatedOn: z.date().optional(),
  deletedOn: z.date().optional().nullable(),
  fullName: z.string(),

type User = z.infer<typeof schema>;

const service = createService<User>('users', {
  schemaValidator: (obj) => schema.parseAsync(obj),


const schema = Joi.object({
  _id: Joi.string().required(),
  createdOn: Joi.date(),
  updatedOn: Joi.date(),
  deletedOn: Joi.date().allow(null),
  fullName: Joi.string().required(),

type User = {
  _id: string;
  createdOn?: Date;
  updatedOn?: Date;
  deletedOn?: Date | null;
  fullName: string;

const service = createService<User>('users', {
  schemaValidator: (obj) => schema.validateAsync(obj),

Node-mongo validates documents before save.


The key feature of the node-mongo is that each create, update or delete operation publishes a CUD event.
  • ${collectionName}.created
  • ${collectionName}.updated
  • ${collectionName}.deleted

Events are used to easily update denormalized data and also to implement complex business logic without tight coupling of different entities.
SDK support two type of events:

In-memory events

  • Enabled by default;
  • Events can be lost on service failure;
  • Events are stored in eventBus (Node.js EventEmitter instance);
  • For handling these events type you will use Events API;
  • Designed for transferring events inside a single Node.js process. Events handlers listens node-mongo eventBus.

Transactional events

  • Can be enabled by setting { outbox: true } when creating a service;
  • Guarantee that every database write will produce an event;
  • Events are stored in special collections with _outbox postfix;
  • For handling these events type you will use watch (method for working with Change Streams) on the outbox table;
  • Designed for transferring events to messages broker like Kafka. Events handlers should listen to message broker events (You need to implement this layer yourself).

On the project start, we recommend using in-memory events. When your application becomes tougher you should migrate to transactional events.

Service API


  filter: Filter<T>,
  readConfig: ReadConfig & { page?: number; perPage?: number } = {},
  findOptions: FindOptions = {},
): Promise<FindResult<T>>

const { results: users, count: usersCount } = await userService.find(
  { status: 'active' },

Fetches documents that matches the filter. Returns an object with the following fields(FindResult):
| Field | Description | | ------------- | --------| | results | documents, that matches the filter | | count | total number of documents, that matches the filter | | pagesCount | total number of documents, that matches the filter divided by the number of documents per page |
Pass page and perPage params to get a paginated result. Otherwise, all documents will be returned.
Returns Promise<FindResult<T>>.


  filter: Filter<T>,
  readConfig: ReadConfig = {},
  findOptions: FindOptions = {},
): Promise<T | null>

const user = await userService.findOne({ _id: u._id });

Fetches the first document that matches the filter. Returns null if document was not found.
Returns Promise<T | null>.


updateOne: (
  filter: Filter<T>,
  updateFn: (doc: T) => Partial<T>,
  updateConfig: UpdateConfig = {},
  updateOptions: UpdateOptions = {},
): Promise<T | null>

const updatedUserWithEvent = await userService.updateOne(
  { _id: u._id },
  (doc) => ({ fullName: 'Updated fullname' }),

const updatedUser = await userService.updateOne(
  { _id: u._id },
  (doc) => ({ fullName: 'Updated fullname' }),
  { publishEvents: false }

Updates a single document and returns it. Returns null if document was not found.
  • filter: Filter<T>;
  • updateFn: (doc: T) => Partial<T>;
Function that accepts current document and returns object containing fields to update.
Returns Promise<T | null>.


updateMany: (
  filter: Filter<T>,
  updateFn: (doc: T) => Partial<T>,
  updateConfig: UpdateConfig = {},
  updateOptions: UpdateOptions = {},
): Promise<T[]>

const updatedUsers = await userService.updateMany(
  { status: 'active' },
  (doc) => ({ isEmailVerified: true }),

Updates multiple documents that match the query. Returns array with updated documents.
  • filter: Filter<T>;
  • updateFn: (doc: T) => Partial<T>;
Function that accepts current document and returns object containing fields to update.
Returns Promise<T[]>.


insertOne: (
  object: Partial<T>,
  createConfig: CreateConfig = {},
  insertOneOptions: InsertOneOptions = {},
): Promise<T>

const user = await userService.insertOne({
  fullName: 'John',

Inserts a single document into a collection and returns it.
Returns Promise<T>.


insertMany: (
  objects: Partial<T>[],
  createConfig: CreateConfig = {},
  bulkWriteOptions: BulkWriteOptions = {},
): Promise<T[]>

const users = await userService.insertMany([
  { fullName: 'John' },
  { fullName: 'Kobe' },

Inserts multiple documents into a collection and returns them.
Returns Promise<T[]>.


deleteSoft: (
  filter: Filter<T>,
  deleteConfig: DeleteConfig = {},
  deleteOptions: DeleteOptions = {},
): Promise<T[]>

const deletedUsers = await userService.deleteSoft(
  { status: 'deactivated' },

Adds deletedOn field to the documents that match the query and returns them.
Returns Promise<T[]>.


deleteOne: (
  filter: Filter<T>,
  deleteConfig: DeleteConfig = {},
  deleteOptions: DeleteOptions = {},
): Promise<T | null>

const deletedUser = await userService.deleteOne(
  { _id: u._id },

Deletes a single document and returns it. Returns null if document was not found.
Returns Promise<T | null>.


deleteMany: (
  filter: Filter<T>,
  deleteConfig: DeleteConfig = {},
  deleteOptions: DeleteOptions = {},
): Promise<T[]>

const deletedUsers = await userService.deleteMany(
  { status: 'deactivated' },

Deletes multiple documents that match the query. Returns array with deleted documents.
Returns Promise<T[]>.


replaceOne: (
  filter: Filter<T>,
  replacement: Partial<T>,
  readConfig: ReadConfig = {},
  replaceOptions: ReplaceOptions = {},
): Promise<UpdateResult | Document>

await usersService.replaceOne(
  { _id: u._id },
  { fullName: fullNameToUpdate },

Replaces a single document within the collection based on the filter. Doesn't validate schema or publish events.
Returns Promise<UpdateResult | Document>.


updateOne: (
  filter: Filter<T>,
  updateFilter: UpdateFilter<T>,
  readConfig: ReadConfig = {},
  updateOptions: UpdateOptions = {},
): Promise<UpdateResult>

await userService.atomic.updateOne(
  { _id: u._id },
  { $set: { fullName: `${u.firstName} ${u.lastName}` } },

Updates a single document. Doesn't validate schema or publish events.
Returns Promise<UpdateResult>.


updateMany: (
  filter: Filter<T>,
  updateFilter: UpdateFilter<T>,
  readConfig: ReadConfig = {},
  updateOptions: UpdateOptions = {},
): Promise<Document | UpdateResult>

await userService.atomic.updateMany(
  { firstName: { $exists: true }, lastName: { $exists: true } },
  { $set: { fullName: `${u.firstName} ${u.lastName}` } },

Updates all documents that match the specified filter. Doesn't validate schema or publish events.
Returns Promise<UpdateResult | Document>.


  filter: Filter<T>,
  readConfig: ReadConfig = {},
  findOptions: FindOptions = {},
): Promise<boolean>

const isUserExists = await userService.exists(
  { email: 'example@gmail.com' },

Returns true if document exists, otherwise false.
Returns Promise<boolean>.


  filter: Filter<T>,
  readConfig: ReadConfig = {},
  countDocumentOptions: CountDocumentsOptions = {},
): Promise<boolean>

const documentsCount = await userService.countDocuments(
  { status: 'active' },

Returns amount of documents that matches the query.
Returns Promise<number>.


  key: string,
  filter: Filter<T>,
  readConfig: ReadConfig = {},
  distinctOptions: DistinctOptions = {},
): Promise<any[]>

const statesList = await userService.distinct('states');

Returns distinct values for a specified field across a single collection or view and returns the results in an array.
Returns Promise<any[]>.


aggregate: (
  pipeline: any[],
  options: AggregateOptions = {},
): Promise<any[]>

const sortedActiveUsers = await userService.aggregate([
  { $match: { status: "active" } },
  { $sort: { firstName: -1, lastName: -1 } }

Executes an aggregation framework pipeline and returns array with aggregation result of documents.
Returns Promise<any[]>.


watch: (
  pipeline: Document[] | undefined,
  options: ChangeStreamOptions = {},
): Promise<any>

const watchCursor = userService.watch();

Creates a new Change Stream, watching for new changes and returns a cursor.
Returns Promise<any>.


drop: (
  recreate: boolean = false,
): Promise<void>

await userService.drop();

Removes a collection from the database. The method also removes any indexes associated with the dropped collection.
  • recreate: boolean;
Should create collection after deletion.
Returns Promise<void>.


indexExists: (
  indexes: string | string[],
  indexInformationOptions: IndexInformationOptions = {},
): Promise<boolean>

const isIndexExists = await usersService.indexExists(index);

Checks if one or more indexes exist on the collection, fails on first non-existing index.
Returns Promise<string | void>.


createIndex: (
  indexSpec: IndexSpecification,
  options: CreateIndexesOptions = {},
): Promise<string | void>

await usersService.createIndex({ fullName: 1 });

Creates collection index.
Returns Promise<string | void>.


createIndexes: (
  indexSpecs: IndexDescription[],
  options: CreateIndexesOptions = {},
): Promise<string[] | void>

await usersService.createIndexes([
  { key: { fullName: 1 } },
  { key: { createdOn: 1 } },

Creates one or more indexes on a collection.
Returns Promise<string[] | void>.


dropIndex: (
  indexName: string,
  options: DropIndexesOptions = {},
): Promise<void | Document>

await userService.dropIndex({ firstName: 1, lastName: -1 });

Removes the specified index from a collection.
Returns Promise<void | Document>.


dropIndexes: (
  options: DropIndexesOptions = {},
): Promise<void | Document>

Removes all but the _id index from a collection.
await userService.dropIndexes();

Returns Promise<void | Document>.

Events API


on: (
  eventName: string,
  handler: InMemoryEventHandler,
): void

import { eventBus, InMemoryEvent } from '@paralect/node-mongo';

const collectionName = 'users';

eventBus.on(`${collectionName}.created`, (data: InMemoryEvent<User>) => {
  try {
    const user = data.doc;

    console.log('user created', user);
  } catch (err) {
    logger.error(`${USERS}.created handler error: ${err}`);

eventBus.on(`${collectionName}.updated`, (data: InMemoryEvent<User>) => {});

eventBus.on(`${collectionName}.deleted`, (data: InMemoryEvent<User>) => {});

In-memory events handler that listens for a CUD events.
  • eventName: string;
Events names to listen.
Valid format: ${collectionName}.created, ${collectionName}.updated, ${collectionName}.deleted.
Returns void.


once: (
  eventName: string,
  handler: InMemoryEventHandler,
): void

eventBus.once(`${USERS}.updated`, (data: InMemoryEvent<User>) => {
  try {
    const user = data.doc;

    console.log('user updated', user);
  } catch (err) {
    logger.error(`${USERS}.updated handler error: ${err}`);

In-memory events handler that listens for a CUD events. It will be called only once.
  • eventName: string;
Events names to listen.
Valid format: ${collectionName}.created, ${collectionName}.updated, ${collectionName}.deleted.
Returns void.


onUpdated: (
  entity: string,
  properties: OnUpdatedProperties,
  handler: InMemoryEventHandler,
): void

import { eventBus, InMemoryEvent } from '@paralect/node-mongo';

eventBus.onUpdated('users', ['firstName', 'lastName'], async (data: InMemoryEvent<User>) => {
  try {
    await userService.atomic.updateOne(
      { _id: data.doc._id },
      { $set: { fullName: `${data.doc.firstName} ${data.doc.lastName}` } },
  } catch (err) {
    console.log(`users onUpdated ['firstName', 'lastName'] handler error: ${err}`);

eventBus.onUpdated('users', [{ fullName: 'John Wake', firstName: 'John' }, 'lastName'], () => {});

eventBus.onUpdated('users', ['oauth.google'], () => {});

In-memory events handler that listens for specific fields updates. It will be called when one of the provided properties updates.
  • entity: string;
Collection name for events listening. Properties whose update will trigger the event.
Returns void.

Transactions API


withTransaction: <TRes = any>(
  transactionFn: (session: ClientSession) => Promise<TRes>,
): Promise<TRes>

Runs callbacks and automatically commits or rollbacks transaction.
import db from 'db';

const { user, company } = await db.withTransaction(async (session) => {
  const createdUser = await usersService.insertOne({ fullName: 'Bahrimchuk' }, {}, { session });
  const createdCompany = await companyService.insertOne(
    { users: [createdUser._id] }, {},
    { session },

  return { user: createdUser, company: createdCompany };

  • transactionFn: (session: ClientSession) => Promise<TRes>;
Function that accepts a client session and manages some business logic. Must return a Promise.
Returns Promise<TRes>.

Options and Types


interface ServiceOptions {
  skipDeletedOnDocs?: boolean,
  schemaValidator?: (obj: any) => Promise<any>,
  publishEvents?: boolean,
  addCreatedOnField?: boolean,
  addUpdatedOnField?: boolean,
  outbox?: boolean,
  collectionOptions?: CollectionOptions;
  collectionCreateOptions?: CreateCollectionOptions;

| Option | Description |Default value| | ------------- | --------|----| |skipDeletedOnDocs |Skip documents with the deletedOn field|true| |schemaValidator |Validation function that will be called on data save|-| |publishEvents |Publish CUD events
on save.|true| |addCreatedOnField |Set the createdOn field to the current timestamp on document creation.|true| |addUpdatedOnField |Set updateOne field to the current timestamp on the document update.|true| |outbox|Use transactional events instead of in-memory events|false| |collectionOptions|MongoDB CollectionOptions|{}| |collectionCreateOptions|MongoDB CreateCollectionOptions|{}|


Overrides ServiceOptions parameters for create operations.
type CreateConfig = {
  validateSchema?: boolean,
  publishEvents?: boolean,


Overrides ServiceOptions parameters for read operations.
type ReadConfig = {
  skipDeletedOnDocs?: boolean,


Overrides ServiceOptions parameters for update operations.
type UpdateConfig = {
  skipDeletedOnDocs?: boolean,
  validateSchema?: boolean,
  publishEvents?: boolean,


Overrides ServiceOptions parameters for delete operations.
type DeleteConfig = {
  skipDeletedOnDocs?: boolean,
  publishEvents?: boolean,


type InMemoryEvent<T = any> = {
  doc: T,
  prevDoc?: T,
  name: string,
  createdOn: Date


type InMemoryEventHandler = (evt: InMemoryEvent) => Promise<void> | void;


type OnUpdatedProperties = Array<Record<string, unknown> | string>;

Extending API

Extending API for a single service.
const service = db.createService<User>('users', {
  schemaValidator: (obj) => schema.parseAsync(obj),

const privateFields = [

const getPublic = (user: User | null) => _.omit(user, privateFields);

export default Object.assign(service, {

Extending API for all services.
const database = new Database(config.mongo.connection, config.mongo.dbName);

class CustomService<T extends IDocument> extends Service<T> {
  createOrUpdate = async (query: any, updateCallback: (item?: T) => Partial<T>) => {
    const docExists = await this.exists(query);

    if (!docExists) {
      const newDoc = updateCallback();
      return this.insertOne(newDoc);

    return this.updateOne(query, (doc) => updateCallback(doc));

function createService<T extends IDocument>(collectionName: string, options: ServiceOptions = {}) {
  return new CustomService<T>(collectionName, database, options);

const userService = createService<UserType>('users', {
  schemaValidator: (obj) => schema.parseAsync(obj),

await userService.createOrUpdate(
  { _id: 'some-id' },
  () => ({ fullName: 'Max' }),