
A promotheus module for nestjs, updated to work with nestjs 6

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A prometheus module for Nest.


```bash $ npm install --save @digikare/nestjs-prom prom-client ```

How to use

Import PromModule into the root ApplicationModule ```typescript import { Module } from '@nestjs/common'; import { PromModule } from '@digikare/nestjs-prom'; @Module({ imports:
defaultLabels: {
app: 'my_app',
}) export class ApplicationModule {} ```

Setup metric

In your module, use forMetrics() method to define the metrics needed. ```typescript import { Module } from '@nestjs/common'; import { PromModule, MetricType } from '@digikare/nest-prom'; @Module({ imports:
type: MetricType.Counter,
configuration: {
name: 'my_counter',
help: 'my_counter a simple counter',
type: MetricType.Gauge,
configuration: {
name: 'my_gauge',
help: 'my_gauge a simple gauge',
type: MetricType.Histogram,
configuration: {
name: 'my_histogram',
help: 'my_histogram a simple histogram',
type: MetricType.Summary,
configuration: {
name: 'my_summary',
help: 'my_summary a simple summary',
}) export class MyModule ``` And you can use @InjectCounterMetric() decorator to get the metrics ```typescript import { Injectable } from '@nestjs/common'; import { InjectCounterMetric, InjectGaugeMetric, InjectHistogramMetric, InjectSummaryMetric, CounterMetric, GaugeMetric, HistogramMetric, SummaryMetric, } from '@digikare/nest-prom'; @Injectable() export class MyService { constructor(
@InjectCounterMetric('my_counter') private readonly _counterMetric: CounterMetric,
@InjectGaugeMetric('my_gauge') private readonly _gaugeMetric: GaugeMetric,
@InjectHistogramMetric('my_histogram') private readonly _histogramMetric: HistogramMetric,
@InjectSummaryMetric('my_summary') private readonly _summaryMetric: SummaryMetric,
) {} doStuff() {
} resetCounter() {
} } ```

Metric endpoint

At the moment, no way to configure the /metrics endpoint path. PS: If you have a global prefix, the path will be {globalPrefix}/metrics for the moment.


PromModule.forRoot() options

  • withDefaultsMetrics: boolean (default true) enable defaultMetrics provided by prom-client
  • withDefaultController: boolean (default true) add internal controller to expose /metrics endpoints
  • useHttpCounterMiddleware: boolean (default false) register httprequeststotal counter


I do not provide any auth/security for /metrics endpoints. This is not the aim of this module, but depending of the auth strategy, you can apply a middleware on /metrics to secure it.


  • Update readme
- Gauge - Histogram - Summary
  • Manage registries
  • Tests
  • Give possibility to custom metric endpoint
  • Adding example on how to secure /metrics endpoint
- secret - jwt


MIT licensed