
Integration of SEAs, DID and OceanToken in Solidity

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💧 Integration of SEAs, DID and OceanToken in Solidity oceanprotocol.com

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🐲🦑 THERE BE DRAGONS AND SQUIDS. This is in alpha state and you can expect running into problems. If you run into them, please open up a new issue. 🦑🐲

Table of Contents

- Get Started
- [Docker](#docker)
- [Local development](#local-development)
- Testing
- [Code Linting](#code-linting)
- Networks
- [Testnets](#testnets)
   - [Duero Testnet](#duero-testnet)
   - [Nile Testnet](#nile-testnet)
   - [Kovan Testnet](#kovan-testnet)
- [Mainnets](#mainnets)
   - [Ethereum Mainnet](#ethereum-mainnet)
   - [Pacific Mainnet](#pacific-mainnet)
   - [xDai](#xdai)
- Packages - Documentation - Contributing - Prior Art - License

Get Started

For local development of keeper-contracts you can either use Docker, or setup the development environment on your machine.


The simplest way to get started with is barge, a docker compose application to run Ocean Protocol.

Local development

As a pre-requisite, you need:
  • Node.js
  • npm

Note: For MacOS, make sure to have node@10 installed.
Clone the project and install all dependencies:
git clone git@github.com:oceanprotocol/keeper-contracts.git
cd keeper-contracts/

# install dependencies
npm i

# install RPC client globally
npm install -g ganache-cli

Compile the solidity contracts:
npm run compile

In a new terminal, launch an Ethereum RPC client, e.g. ganache-cli:

Switch back to your other terminal and deploy the contracts:
npm run deploy:development

# for redeployment run this instead
npm run clean
npm run compile
npm run deploy:development

Upgrade contracts optional:
npm run upgrade


Run tests with npm run test, e.g.:
npm run test -- test/unit/agreements/AgreementStoreManager.Test.js

Code Linting

Linting is setup for JavaScript with ESLint & Solidity with Ethlint.
Code style is enforced through the CI test process, builds will fail if there're any linting errors.



Duero Testnet

The contract addresses deployed on Ocean's Duero Test Network:
| Contract | Version | Address | |-----------------------------------|---------|----------------------------------------------| | AccessSecretStoreCondition | v0.13.1 | 0x38e26f97AcCc0f6f0bA70b6304d89781449BAc11 | | AgreementStoreManager | v0.13.1 | 0x10f763D50600462F7253dc721dC895754b3Aee26 | | ComputeExecutionCondition | v0.13.1 | 0x69Cf2ae0148140E0d9Fa0AdC6bA7Fd10989Fe940 | | ConditionStoreManager | v0.13.1 | 0x10083113a47E6689D5C526D9e814bA42752BE09c | | DIDRegistry | v0.13.1 | 0xb1eA341724Fdcd53CA39d7DE3264bB89E6120BE4 | | DIDRegistryLibrary | v0.13.1 | 0xcb7D122Af3C861a87C9fBb17F1B52b7C501c1062 | | Dispenser | v0.13.1 | 0xe76548A5b24AF890093A4C8423D542bcA1752CB8 | | EpochLibrary | v0.13.1 | 0x2B4d53BE84964983932dD6167155052201892c0A | | EscrowAccessSecretStoreTemplate | v0.12.7 | 0xBd7e5fFf4Eb8d67111227C9541080a74c634d643 | | EscrowComputeExecutionTemplate | v0.12.7 | 0xe509CE38a1A58195D0257c70DeD536253A4039Fc | | EscrowReward | v0.13.1 | 0xEb30f990F8F3a784F9eD3A594021D3764af00469 | | HashLockCondition | v0.13.1 | 0x4939063413A7a9B79d5437de73ed6d9996F92629 | | LockRewardCondition | v0.13.1 | 0x53F89846832a793bF988B604b2489f74E6D22648 | | OceanToken | v0.13.1 | 0xFEBfC7dA1cAf52E4207501ad6df6B19EcDA4614b | | SignCondition | v0.13.1 | 0x127c9A80A61b5BB6b97EE796CACDFbc201969447 | | TemplateStoreManager | v0.13.1 | 0x6d3d30BB9074c1e3013A8b99A2e22a3FF5966EA2 | | ThresholdCondition | v0.13.1 | 0xe940DBA354d444aA9Af0723A46a277ea6Ac36DE1 | | WhitelistingCondition | v0.13.1 | 0x453c7912d4e33B3348961810296FE55a6adE20B2 |

Nile Testnet

The contract addresses deployed on Ocean's Nile Test Network:
| Contract | Version | Address | |-----------------------------------|---------|----------------------------------------------| | AccessSecretStoreCondition | v0.13.2 | 0x45DE141F8Efc355F1451a102FB6225F1EDd2921d | | AgreementStoreManager | v0.13.2 | 0x62f84700b1A0ea6Bfb505aDC3c0286B7944D247C | | ComputeExecutionCondition | v0.13.2 | 0xc63c6DA8Cfa99927E48B5d7784758fef4e5e1D6d | | ConditionStoreManager | v0.13.2 | 0x39b0AA775496C5ebf26f3B81C9ed1843f09eE466 | | DIDRegistry | v0.13.2 | 0x4A0f7F763B1A7937aED21D63b2A78adc89c5Db23 | | DIDRegistryLibrary | v0.13.2 | 0x82281775C6AB73E85b7a7e0CEe62910729d1cF95 | | Dispenser | v0.13.2 | 0x865396b7ddc58C693db7FCAD1168E3BD95Fe3368 | | EpochLibrary | v0.13.2 | 0x787Cf4627F3F2bf5B8e9Da619aba59CB997A19B4 | | EscrowAccessSecretStoreTemplate | v0.12.7 | 0xfA16d26e9F4fffC6e40963B281a0bB08C31ed40C | | EscrowComputeExecutionTemplate | v0.12.7 | 0x4dc980aA0786Dc3B5FC76BDb5C9c42cac796e68B | | EscrowReward | v0.13.2 | 0xeD4Ef53376C6f103d2d7029D7E702e082767C6ff | | HashLockCondition | v0.13.2 | 0xB5f2e45e8aD4a1339D542f2defd5095B98054590 | | LockRewardCondition | v0.13.2 | 0xE30FC30c678437e0e8F78C52dE9db8E2752781a0 | | OceanToken | v0.13.2 | 0x9861Da395d7da984D5E8C712c2EDE44b41F777Ad | | SignCondition | v0.13.2 | 0x5a4301F8a7a8A13485621b9B4C82B1E66c112ee2 | | TemplateStoreManager | v0.13.2 | 0x9768c8ae44f1dc81cAA98F48792aA5730cAd2F73 | | ThresholdCondition | v0.13.2 | 0xf29a50080163Fb2938E2024f19681Ac2FB8745De | | WhitelistingCondition | v0.13.2 | 0x9Db7fE5A18Ff4fb1746c290192EDE67a64EB4385 |

Kovan Testnet

Deprecated: The kovan network is deprecated and will be removed in the next version.
The contract addresses deployed on Kovan testnet:
| Contract | Version | Address | |-----------------------------------|---------|----------------------------------------------| | AccessSecretStoreCondition | v0.10.3 | 0x9Ee06Ac392FE11f1933a51B48D1d07dd97f1dec7 | | AgreementStoreManager | v0.10.3 | 0x412d4F57425b41FE027e06b9f37D569dcAE2eAa4 | | ConditionStoreManager | v0.10.3 | 0xA5f5BaB34DE3782A71D37d0B334217Ded341cd64 | | DIDRegistry | v0.10.3 | 0x9254f7c8f1176C685871E7A8A99E11e96775F488 | | DIDRegistryLibrary | v0.10.3 | 0xf22aEF1421CCd4f0A0D0BB1f7fe03233384c69B4 | | Dispenser | v0.10.3 | 0x5B92243133094210F504dF6B9D54fD70E7B281DC | | EpochLibrary | v0.10.3 | 0x44Ca6882823a2d7864376893A4BCF3eB377693e4 | | EscrowAccessSecretStoreTemplate | v0.10.3 | 0xe0Afe9a948f9Fa39524c8d29a98d75409018ABf0 | | EscrowReward | v0.10.3 | 0xa182ff844c71803Bf767c3AB4180B3bfFADa6B2B | | HashLockCondition | v0.10.3 | 0x11ef2D50868c1f1063ba0141aCD53691A0293c25 | | LockRewardCondition | v0.10.3 | 0x2a2A2C5fF51C5f1c84547FC7a194c00F82763432 | | OceanToken | v0.10.3 | 0xB57C4D626548eB8AC0B82b086721516493E2908d | | SignCondition | v0.10.3 | 0x7B8B2756de9Ab474ddbCc87047117a2A16419194 | | TemplateStoreManager | v0.10.3 | 0xD20307e2620Bb8a60991f43c52b64f981103A829 |


Pacific Mainnet

The contract addresses deployed on Pacific Mainnet:
| Contract | Version | Address | |-----------------------------------|---------|----------------------------------------------| | AccessSecretStoreCondition | v0.13.2 | 0x7FC6520Af3F0800d76A3e2FfE7b838c945ADBFE4 | | AgreementStoreManager | v0.13.2 | 0x44665ee68779eC83202702C091279661336F5F8a | | ComputeExecutionCondition | v0.13.2 | 0xBbaCeaA102e62fEeE89eAF935aD757CD5aac844a | | ConditionStoreManager | v0.13.2 | 0xbD1dEd7ef05c31F81C54e913a23Da69E77d3e0EE | | DIDRegistry | v0.13.2 | 0x1f0E059a50356D8617980F8fa21a53F723072712 | | DIDRegistryLibrary | v0.13.2 | 0x2eBD03c446e11EA4eC58eC092b3906a816828D2f | | EpochLibrary | v0.13.2 | 0xBCc5b375AB7ca0AB45b00F3dA24eC8b3b5aEe031 | | EscrowAccessSecretStoreTemplate | v0.12.7 | 0x9BF43606d833489fbD568ace13f535fC41130c28 | | EscrowComputeExecutionTemplate | v0.12.7 | 0x04D939Bbe37de1Aa0261F523EdB7654613dfB97F | | EscrowReward | v0.13.2 | 0x656Aa3D9b37A6eA770701ae2c612f760d9254A66 | | HashLockCondition | v0.13.2 | 0x5Eef92d570996ED20Cb60fE41475f594299Ec21C | | LockRewardCondition | v0.13.2 | 0x7bf64DaCc7929A1e5466f7d9E575128abf1875f8 | | OceanToken | v0.13.2 | 0x012578f9381e876A9E2a9111Dfd436FF91A451ae | | SignCondition | v0.13.2 | 0xB74172078ABb029FaD809335d82241371b998708 | | TemplateStoreManager | v0.13.2 | 0xF2Cf3761c166c6D85d07299427821D18A4329cd1 | | ThresholdCondition | v0.13.2 | 0xeD2A0787885f4ef781E35c5808F3C786fc8C1817 | | WhitelistingCondition | v0.13.2 | 0x5b4c3B48062bDCa9DaA5441c5F5A9D557bFE3356 |

Ethereum Mainnet

Deprecated: The ethereum mainnet network is deprecated and will be removed in the next version.
The contract addresses deployed on Ethereum Mainnet:
| Contract | Version | Address | |-----------------------------------|---------|----------------------------------------------| | AccessSecretStoreCondition | v0.10.3 | 0x57e299517B6E5637cE9da15E4372f42a63c7e099 | | AgreementStoreManager | v0.10.3 | 0x5E98B9EfABe192aB02a9B39D9B44A22C88A625BD | | ConditionStoreManager | v0.10.3 | 0x031A0B2FE74086e5963CD5Ac27Bd1451A40Fe593 | | DIDRegistry | v0.10.3 | 0xC4A1D6d4778C9A17D5e37797dA2FaB48FA9d01f6 | | DIDRegistryLibrary | v0.10.3 | 0xFb4231AF132A8E160292022eBd8ea4292104B1Da | | EpochLibrary | v0.10.3 | 0xb5096b69638689eE2dC7CA56Babaf7d8521a7Abb | | EscrowAccessSecretStoreTemplate | v0.10.3 | 0xa713D8F4791512a599A98f5DcaCC6401D6c76e5f | | EscrowReward | v0.10.3 | 0xB950FE753871dc8b79284d76EA4A213db4697578 | | HashLockCondition | v0.10.3 | 0x860761Dbbe9b8377A2933a1093B39167B907befF | | LockRewardCondition | v0.10.3 | 0xD41161D8f2CE5Ec95465F4b2fBD00Cfea186204C | | SignCondition | v0.10.3 | 0xEE33DCDBE6aF6197dD01907cfc4296BFC0448B16 | | TemplateStoreManager | v0.10.3 | 0x04DD5364b12131ae870Ec54bd539b5Cb94B9DC36 |


The contract addresses deployed on xDai Mainnet:
| Contract | Version | Address | |-----------------------------------|---------|----------------------------------------------| | AccessSecretStoreCondition | v0.13.2 | 0x2EadA723f7C631284B299E5BfB724B2153D4c1d7 | | AgreementStoreManager | v0.13.2 | 0x5E12966F910A819a84D359383F0B2777Af04B664 | | ComputeExecutionCondition | v0.13.2 | 0x0233d73aFf3030FE26a53F363217c84DF25638E9 | | ConditionStoreManager | v0.13.2 | 0xBe3419C1E4764BeF16A272A45865c1C1072Bf8AB | | DIDRegistry | v0.13.2 | 0x99ae43155D8Fa205b5CEE705aD8ab1a1A92B904E | | DIDRegistryLibrary | v0.13.2 | 0x304AA20E6D04B18221D7a1d971ff4C245039486D | | EpochLibrary | v0.13.2 | 0xa1BC282eAc22092C0D9344aba38F65aDA6200242 | | EscrowAccessSecretStoreTemplate | v0.12.7 | 0xCD3a33379DBDc6Cb14C3bf8eAb594e5ae1317BB1 | | EscrowComputeExecutionTemplate | v0.12.7 | 0xbb3B88589902eFF97d3E6Af2757f83c66a9FE2Ac | | EscrowReward | v0.13.2 | 0x9C71Ac20Ef2178bD6f9d927a601985f9983b1E8E | | HashLockCondition | v0.13.2 | 0x6a9C322ADE3c58b6D83DA1cB4A687D834872BFc8 | | LockRewardCondition | v0.13.2 | 0x3857986E111d78E1bD4017Efe620e05e3cb9376b | | OceanToken | v0.13.2 | 0x83180c00B360B17b7d2158bfeFD32D17F01695b3 | | SignCondition | v0.13.2 | 0x547A4BA7Bec2AE45393D07AF9E0F53aEA50aD968 | | TemplateStoreManager | v0.13.2 | 0xD2f1Ccb9E51659f1bAC7EF3e6cD713b536C1BDa4 | | ThresholdCondition | v0.13.2 | 0xeED6Bf968e5808f6Ba0d284475f437aa93997aC4 | | WhitelistingCondition | v0.13.2 | 0xA9c8Ae2784BF0FdB56004BE0D46dE1BeE15Fe421 |


To facilitate the integration of the Ocean Protocol's keeper-contracts there are Python, JavaScript and Java packages ready to be integrated. Those libraries include the Smart Contract ABI's. Using these packages helps to avoid compiling the Smart Contracts and copying the ABI's manually to your project. In that way the integration is cleaner and easier. The packages provided currently are:

The packages contains all the content from the doc/ and artifacts/ folders.
In JavaScript they can be used like this:
Install the keeper-contracts npm package.
npm install @oceanprotocol/keeper-contracts

Load the ABI of the OceanToken contract on the nile network:
const OceanToken = require('@oceanprotocol/keeper-contracts/artifacts/OceanToken.nile.json')

The structure of the artifacts is:
  "abi": "...",
  "bytecode": "0x60806040523...",
  "address": "0x45DE141F8Efc355F1451a102FB6225F1EDd2921d",
  "version": "v0.9.1"



See the page titled "Ways to Contribute" in the Ocean Protocol documentation.

Prior Art

This project builds on top of the work done in open source projects:


Copyright 2018 Ocean Protocol Foundation

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at


Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.