
React Query wrapper for NextAuth.js session management

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NextAuth.js React-Query Client


React Query wrapper for NextAuth.js session management.

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This is an alternative client for next-auth based upon react-query. It can replace the built-in session management on the client-side by taking advantage of react-query's built-in caching, auto refetching, etc.

Getting Started

npm install --save @next-auth/react-query

You can then import useSession from this package, instead of the core next-auth package. More usage details can be found below.

API Reference


useSession(params: UseSessionParams) : UseSessionResult

React Query wrapper to retrieve Session. Replaces useSession and Provider from next-auth/client in codebases where you already use react-query.


import { useSession } from "@next-auth/react-query"
const [session, loading] = useSession({
  required: true,
  redirectTo: "/auth/sign-in?error=InvalidSession",
  queryConfig: {
    staleTime: 60 * 60 * 3, // 3 hours
    refetchInterval: 60 * 5 // 5 minutes 

| Parameter | Type | Description | Default | | :-------- | :------- | :-------------------------------- | :-----: | | required| boolean| If true, will redirect when no session available | false | | redrectTo| string| When required: true, this is where the user will be redirected | "/api/auth/session" | | queryConfig | UseQueryOptions | See React Query's useQuery Options | {} |
TIP: staleTime and refetchInterval respectively match clientMaxAge and keepAlive from the Original API.


import { useSession } from "@next-auth/react-query"
const [session, loading] = useSession()

The shape of what useSession returns matches the Original API.


Based on this discussion between @kripod and @balazsorban44


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