
What if you could SSR HTML form with Node.js

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What if you could SSR HTML form with Node.js

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Server-rendering HTML forms with just plain JS object or with JSON object. Do note that not every rough edges are covered. This package can be helpful in making you a little bit more productive if you find yourself dealing with many different HTML forms quite often. Enjoy! :smiley:

Table of contents

- Install - Usage
- [Node.js](#nodejs)
- [Native ES modules or TypeScript](#native-es-modules-or-typescript)
- FormilaData - FormilaOpts - formila(data, options) - formilaSync(data, options)




# Install via NPM
$ npm install --save @motss/formila



const { formila } = require('@motss/formila');

const testForm = {
  // attr: {}, // Attributes
  title: 'Test title',
  subtitle: 'Test subtitle',

  hiddenList: [
      name: '_csrf',
      value: '8601779472171008',

  sectionList: [
      // attr: {}, // Attributes
      fieldsetList: [
          // attr: {}, // Attributes
          title: 'Personal Information',
          subtitle: 'Particulars',
          fieldList: [
              // attr: {}, // Attributes
              elementList: [
                  title: 'Email',
                  fieldTag: `<input id="email"
                  description: 'Enter your email',
                  errorMessage: 'Invalid email',
              // Non-validatable (input, select) elements
              // nonElementList: [
              //   '<div>Email:</div><div></div>',
              // ],

  errorMessage: 'Form contains invalid field',
  submitTitle: 'Next',

async function main() {
  try {
    // const options = { minify: true };
    const renderedForm = await formila(testForm/** options */);

    return renderedForm;
  } catch (e) {
    console.error('Error rendering form', e);

Native ES modules or TypeScript

// @ts-check

import { formila, FormilaData, FormilaOpts } from '@motss/formila';

const testForm: FormilaData = {
  // attr: {}, // Attributes
  title: 'Test title',
  subtitle: 'Test subtitle',

  hiddenList: [
      name: '_csrf',
      value: '8601779472171008',

  sectionList: [
      // attr: {}, // Attributes
      fieldsetList: [
          // attr: {}, // Attributes
          title: 'Personal Information',
          subtitle: 'Particulars',
          fieldList: [
              // attr: {}, // Attributes
              elementList: [
                  title: 'Email',
                  fieldTag: `<input id="email"
                  description: 'Enter your email',
                  errorMessage: 'Invalid email',
              // Non-validatable (input, select) elements
              // nonElementList: [
              //   '<div>Email:</div><div></div>',
              // ],

  errorMessage: 'Form contains invalid field',
  submitTitle: 'Next',

async function main() {
  try {
    // const options: FormilaOpts = { minify: true };
    const renderedForm = await formila(testForm/** options */);

    return renderedForm;
  } catch (e) {
    console.error('Error rendering form', e);

API Reference


- name <stringstring-mdn-url> Name of the hidden form element, e.g. _csrf. - value <stringstring-mdn-url> Value of the hidden form element, e.g. 5976446363238400. - attr <Object?object-mdn-url> Optional section attributes. - fieldsetList <Array?array-mdn-url<Objectobject-mdn-url>> Optional list of fieldsets.
- `attr` <[Object?][object-mdn-url]> Optional fieldset attributes.
- `title` <[string?][string-mdn-url]> Optional fieldset title.
- `subtitle` <[string?][string-mdn-url]> Optional fieldset subtitle.
- `fieldList` <[Array?][array-mdn-url]<[Object][object-mdn-url]>> Optional list of fields.
  - `elementList` <[Array?][array-mdn-url]<[Object][object-mdn-url]>> Optional list of validatable elements such as `<input>` and `<select>` elements.
    - `attr` <[Object?][object-mdn-url]> Optional field attributes.
    - `title` <[string?][string-mdn-url]> Optional field title, e.g. `Email`.
    - `fieldTag` <[string?][string-mdn-url]> HTML `<input>` or `<select>` element. The element must have the attribute `id` set, e.g. `<input id="email" type="email" name="email">`.
    - `description` <[string?][string-mdn-url]> Optional field description, e.g. `Enter your valid email address`.
    - `errorMessage` <[string?][string-mdn-url]> Optional error message when the field is invalid, e.g. `Invalid email`.
  - `nonElementList` <[Array?][array-mdn-url]<[string][string-mdn-url]>> Optional list of non-validatable elements.


formila(data, options)

formilaSync(data, options)

This methods works the same as formila(data[, options]) except that this is the synchronous version.


MIT License
© Rong Sen Ng