
Utility methods on values I use all the time

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0.12.15 years ago6 years agoMinified + gzip package size for @kba/utils in KB


* [urlJoin(...args)](#urljoinargs)
* [truthy(val)](#truthyval)
* [jsonify(obj)](#jsonifyobj)
* [randomInt(low, int)](#randomintlow-int)
* [deansi(str)](#deansistr)
* [verticalConcat(...strs)](#verticalconcatstrs)
* [promisify(callback)](#promisifycallback)
* [splitArray(arr, splitel=';')](#splitarrayarr-splitel----)
* [promiseSerial(funcs)](#promiseserialfuncs)
* [shortenOutput(data, max=10)](#shortenoutputdata-max-10)
* [parseURL(...args)](#parseurlargs)
* [lastUrlSegment(url, removeTrailing=false)](#lasturlsegmenturl-removetrailing-false)
* [randomString({prefix='', template='', length=-1})](#randomstring-prefix----template----length--1-)
* [uniq(arr)](#uniqarr)
* [traverse](#traverse)
* [deepmerge](#deepmerge)
* [idiomaticFetch](#idiomaticfetch)
* [splitOnce(str, sep, rightMost=false)](#splitoncestr-sep-rightmost-false)
* [ensureArray(arg)](#ensurearrayarg)
* [new StrictEventEmitter(events=, LOGEVENTS=false)](#new-stricteventemitterevents--logevents-false)
* [new MultiIndex()](#new-multiindex)
* [rexcape(str)](#rexcapestr)
* [inspect(obj)](#inspectobj)
* [inspect.log(obj)](#inspectlogobj)
* [relativizeFile(relPath, absPath](#relativizefilerelpath-abspath)
* [mkdir(dir, opts)](#mkdirdir-opts)
* [rmdir(dir, opts)](#rmdirdir-opts)
* [uploadFile({filepath, endpoint, metadata})](#uploadfile-filepath-endpoint-metadata-)
* [FormData](#formdata)
* [fetch(...args)](#fetchargs)
* [corsMiddleware(opts)](#corsmiddlewareopts)
* [nedbCollectionRouteHandler(opts)](#nedbcollectionroutehandleropts)
* [idiomaticFetch (node)](#idiomaticfetch-node)



Join a base URI and possibly empty path segments


Return whether a value should be interpreted as boolean true.


Clone an object by serializing and deserializing to/from JSON

randomInt(low, int)

A random integer between low and high


Remove ANSI color sequences from str.



splitArray(arr, splitel=';')

Split an array into sub-arrays delimited by element splitel


resolves Promises sequentially. https://hackernoon.com/functional-javascript-resolving-promises-sequentially-7aac18c4431e

shortenOutput(data, max=10)

Shorten data to a maximum of max characters.


lastUrlSegment(url, removeTrailing=false)

Returns the last segment of a URL

randomString({prefix='', template='', length=-1})

Generate a URL-friendly random string. Template must have at least 3 X in a row


Return unique literals in arr.


See substack/js-traverse


See KyleAMathews/deepmerge


idiomaticFetch(url, options={}, format='json')
idiomaticFetch(url, format='json')
### splitOnce(str, sep, rightMost=false)
Split `str` at the first occurence of `sep`.
### ensureArray(arg)
Ensure that arg is an array or a wrap it in one if it is not.
### new StrictEventEmitter(events=[], LOGEVENTS=false)
Strict eventemitter that allows only defined events and optionally logs emit/on calls
### new MultiIndex()
Index values by chains of keys. Useful to find object by key-value pairs
they contain.
### rexcape(str)
Escape regexp metacharacters

<!-- END-RENDER -->

## `@kba/node-utils`

All methods from [`@kba/utils`](#kbautils) and in addition:

<!-- BEGIN-RENDER ./node-utils/node-utils.js -->
### inspect(obj)

### inspect.log(obj)

### relativizeFile(relPath, absPath

### mkdir(dir, opts)

Recursively create `dir`.

@return promise
### rmdir(dir, opts)

Recursively remove `dir`.

@return promise
### uploadFile({filepath, endpoint, metadata})
### FormData
### fetch(...args)
### corsMiddleware(opts)
@return middleware that adds `Access-Control` headers.
If `opts.allowOrigin` is `origin`, this will mirror the request header `Origin`.
### nedbCollectionRouteHandler(opts)

 Generate a handler suitable for a GET query on the root of a nedb collection.
@param {DataStore} opts.collection collection to query @param {Promise} postProcess augment results @param {Object} projection for query results @param {String} defaultSort default sort. Default: modified.desc @param {String} regexify whether to turn string regexes into real regexes for $regex query fields @param {String} dateify whether to turn string ISO dates into Date objects ```

idiomaticFetch (node)

Like browser idiomaticFetch but with proxy