
A sample browser app for Bluemix that use the speech-to-text service, fetching a token via Node.js

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🎤 Speech to Text Demo

Node.js sample applications that shows some of the the IBM Watson Speech to Text service features.

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The Speech to Textserviceurl service uses IBM's speech recognition capabilities to convert speech in multiple languages into text. The transcription of incoming audio is continuously sent back to the client with minimal delay, and it is corrected as more speech is heard. The service is accessed via a WebSocket interface; a REST HTTP interface is also available;
You can view a demodemourl of this app.


  1. Sign up for an IBM Cloud account.
  2. Download the IBM Cloud CLI.
  3. Create an instance of the Speech to Text service and get your credentials:
- Go to the [Speech to Text](https://cloud.ibm.com/catalog/services/speech-to-text) page in the IBM Cloud Catalog.
- Log in to your IBM Cloud account.
- Click **Create**.
- Click **Show** to view the service credentials.
- Copy the `apikey` value.
- Copy the `url` value.

Configuring the application

  1. In the application folder, copy the .env.example file and create a file called .env
cp .env.example .env
  1. Open the .env file and add the service credentials that you obtained in the previous step.
Example *.env* file that configures the `apikey` and `url` for a Speech to Text service instance hosted in the US East region:


Running locally

  1. Install the dependencies
npm install
  1. Run the application
npm start
  1. View the application in a browser at localhost:3000

Deploying to IBM Cloud as a Cloud Foundry Application

  1. Login to IBM Cloud with the IBM Cloud CLI
ibmcloud login
  1. Target a Cloud Foundry organization and space.
ibmcloud target --cf
  1. Edit the manifest.yml file. Change the name field to something unique. For example, - name: my-app-name.
  2. Deploy the application
ibmcloud app push
  1. View the application online at the app URL, for example: https://my-app-name.mybluemix.net


This sample code is licensed under Apache 2.0.



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