
@heroku-cli/plugin-config =========================

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```sh-session $ npm install -g @heroku-cli/plugin-config $ heroku COMMAND running command... $ heroku (--version|-v) @heroku-cli/plugin-config/8.1.7 darwin-x64 node-v16.19.0 $ heroku --help COMMAND USAGE $ heroku COMMAND ...
<!-- usagestop -->
# Commands
<!-- commands -->
* [`heroku config`](#heroku-config)
* [`heroku config:edit [KEY]`](#heroku-configedit-key)
* [`heroku config:get KEY...`](#heroku-configget-key)
* [`heroku config:remove`](#heroku-configremove)
* [`heroku config:unset`](#heroku-configunset)

## `heroku config`

display the config vars for an app
USAGE $ heroku config -a -r -s -j
FLAGS -a, --app= (required) app to run command against -j, --json output config vars in json format -r, --remote= git remote of app to use -s, --shell output config vars in shell format
DESCRIPTION display the config vars for an app
_See code: [src/commands/config/index.ts](https://github.com/heroku/cli/blob/v8.1.7/packages/config/src/commands/config/index.ts)_

## `heroku config:edit [KEY]`

interactively edit config vars
USAGE $ heroku config:edit KEY -a -r
ARGUMENTS KEY edit a single key
FLAGS -a, --app= (required) app to run command against -r, --remote= git remote of app to use
DESCRIPTION interactively edit config vars This command opens the app config in a text editor set by $VISUAL or $EDITOR. Any variables added/removed/changed will be updated on the app after saving and closing the file.
EXAMPLES # edit with vim $ EDITOR="vim" heroku config:edit
# edit with emacs $ EDITOR="emacs" heroku config:edit
# edit with pico $ EDITOR="pico" heroku config:edit
# edit with atom editor $ VISUAL="atom --wait" heroku config:edit
_See code: [src/commands/config/edit.ts](https://github.com/heroku/cli/blob/v8.1.7/packages/config/src/commands/config/edit.ts)_

## `heroku config:get KEY...`

display a single config value for an app
USAGE $ heroku config:get KEY...
FLAGS -a, --app= (required) app to run command against -r, --remote= git remote of app to use -s, --shell output config vars in shell format
DESCRIPTION display a single config value for an app
EXAMPLES $ heroku config:get RAILSENV production
_See code: [src/commands/config/get.ts](https://github.com/heroku/cli/blob/v8.1.7/packages/config/src/commands/config/get.ts)_

## `heroku config:remove`

unset one or more config vars
USAGE $ heroku config:remove -a -r

FLAGS -a, --app= (required) app to run command against -r, --remote= git remote of app to use
DESCRIPTION unset one or more config vars
ALIASES $ heroku config:remove
EXAMPLES $ heroku config:unset RAILSENV Unsetting RAILSENV and restarting example... done, v10
$ heroku config:unset RAILSENV RACKENV Unsetting RAILSENV, RACKENV and restarting example... done, v10
## `heroku config:unset`

unset one or more config vars
USAGE $ heroku config:unset -a -r
FLAGS -a, --app= (required) app to run command against -r, --remote= git remote of app to use
DESCRIPTION unset one or more config vars
ALIASES $ heroku config:remove
EXAMPLES $ heroku config:unset RAILSENV Unsetting RAILSENV and restarting example... done, v10
$ heroku config:unset RAILSENV RACKENV Unsetting RAILSENV, RACKENV and restarting example... done, v10 ```
See code: src/commands/config/unset.ts