
FutoIn package optimization helper

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FutoIn OptiHelp is Node.js module optimization helper.
Unlike simple benchmark tools, FutoIn OptiHelp stores base and best results. It helps you to understand how new optimization and other changes affect performance of your project over time.
Documentation --> FutoIn Guide
Author: Andrey Galkin
Installation for Node.js
Command line:
$ npm install @futoin/optihelp --save
$ yarn add @futoin/optihelp --save
Concept & notes
  1. Tests are unique per CPU model and Node.js version.
- The combination is obfuscated with SHA-256 hash for minor security and ease of result management.
  1. History of test results is stored under test/results in project root by default.
- See OptiHelper `dst_root` option.
  1. Upon first run, only benchmark results are shown. This results are called "base".
  2. Upon any subsequent run, OptiHelper also shows different to "base" and "best" ever values.
  3. Benchmark sequence:
- calibration run (single shot),
- warmup run based on `test_time`*`warmup_ratio` options,
- actual benchmark for `test_time` option,
- after all tests are done, additional benchmark passes may run (`pass` option).
  1. Optional profiling uses v8-profiler module.
  2. The result is dumped in stdout, but an overall machine readable report is also generated.
  3. process.hrtime() with nanosecond resolution is used.
  1. Create optihelp.js in your tests folder with Suite of tests.
  2. Run the first ever cycle to get "base" results.
  3. Commit changes and the results.
  4. Create a branch of your project, for example optimization-refdata.
- It would be helpful when you'll want to add extra tests.
  1. Make optimization and/or other changes
  2. Run the optihelp.js test again and observe the results.
const optihelp = require('@futoin/optihelp');

optihelp('Suite Name', { test_time : 5, pass : 3 } )
    .test( 'Async Test', (done) => { /* ... */; done() } )
    .test( 'Sync Test', () => { /* ... */; } )
    .start((report) => console.log(report));
API documentation


Module Optimization Helper
Kind: global class
* [new OptiHelper(name, options)](#new_OptiHelper_new)
* [.test(name, cb)](#OptiHelper+test) ⇒ [<code>OptiHelper</code>](#OptiHelper)
* [.start(cb)](#OptiHelper+start)

new OptiHelper(name, options)

| Param | Type | Default | Description | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | name | string | | suite name | | options | object | | various options | | options.pass | integer | 2 | how many passes to run | | options.dstroot | string | "'test/results'" | result history folder | | options.testtime | float | 5 | how long to run a single pass of each test in seconds | | options.warmupratio | float | 1 | how long to warmup based on testtime | | options.profileratio | float | 0.1 | how long to profile based on testtime | | options.benchdelay | float | 1 | benchmark delays after warmup | | options.doprofile | boolean | false | run v8-profiler, if true | | options.checkprod | boolean | true | ensure running in production env | | options.reportfile | string | null | store report in file, if true |

optiHelper.test(name, cb) ⇒ OptiHelper

Execute test several times
Kind: instance method of OptiHelper
Returns: OptiHelper - self for chaining
| Param | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | | name | string | test name | | cb | callable | test callback |


Start execution of tests
Kind: instance method of OptiHelper
| Param | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | | cb | callable | completion callback |