
A high quality UI components Library with Vue.js

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23,9731,2293.5.44 years ago6 years agoMinified + gzip package size for @ewei/iview in KB


<a href="http://iview.talkingdata.com/">
    <img width="200" src="https://file.iviewui.com/logo-new.svg">

<h3>A high quality UI Toolkit built on Vue.js.</h3>

iView NPM downloads NPM downloads JS gzip size CSS gzip size Join the chat at https://gitter.im/iview/iview Backers on Open Collective Sponers on Open Collective


3.x | 2.x | 1.x


  • Dozens of useful and beautiful components.
  • Friendly API. It's made for people with any skill level.
  • Extensive documentation and demos.
  • It is quite beautiful.
  • Supports both Vue.js 2 and Vue.js 1.

Who's using iView

If your company or products use iView, welcome to click here to leave a message.


We provide an iView plugin for Vue CLI 3, which you can use to quickly build an iView-based project.
We also provide a starter kit iview-project for you.

Install iView

Using npm:
npm install iview --save

Using a script tag for global use:
<script type="text/javascript" src="iview.min.js"></script>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="dist/styles/iview.css">

You can find more info on the website.


    <Slider v-model="value" range />
    export default {
        data () {
            return {
                value: [20, 50]

Using css via import:
import 'iview/dist/styles/iview.css';


  • Supports Vue.js 2.x
  • Supports Vue.js 1.x - visit 1.0 docs
  • Supports SSR
  • Supports Nuxt.js
  • Supports TypeScript
  • Supports Electron
  • Most components and features support IE9 and above browsers, some components and features do not support IE


If you want to contribute or have questions or bugs to report:
Questions: Find other users at the Gitter chat or post on StackOverflow using [iview-ui] tag
Bugs: File a issue here - please provide a example so we can help you better
Contribute: Contact us in Gitter chat, WeChat or via mail to iview@tendcloud.com. PRs welcome!

Major Contributors

|Name|Avatar|Name|Avatar|Name|Avatar| |---|---|---|---|---|---| |Aresn | |jingsam | | rijn | | |lcx960324 | |GITleonine1989 | |huixisheng | | |Sergio Crisostomo | | lison16 | | Xotic750 | | huanghong1125 | | yangdan8 | |

Ecosystem Links


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