
remark plugin to compile Markdown

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Compiler for unifiedunified. Serializes mdastmdast syntax trees to Markdown. Used in the remark processorremark but can be used on its own as well. Can be extendedextend to change how Markdown is serialized.


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npm install remark-stringify
## Use

var unified = require('unified')
var createStream = require('unified-stream')
var html = require('rehype-parse')
var rehype2remark = require('rehype-remark')
var stringify = require('remark-stringify')

var processor = unified()
  .use(stringify, {
    bullet: '*',
    fence: '~',
    fences: true,
    incrementListMarker: false


See unified for more examples »unified


*   [`processor().use(stringify[, options])`](#processorusestringify-options)
*   [`stringify.Compiler`](#stringifycompiler)
*   [`Compiler#visitors`](#compilervisitors)
*   [`function visitor(node[, parent])`](#function-visitornode-parent)


See unified for API docs »unified

processor().use(stringify[, options])

Configure the processor to serialize mdastmdast syntax trees to Markdown.
Options can be passed directly, or passed later through processor.data()data.
Serialize with the required escapes for GFM compatible Markdown (boolean, default: true).
  • Escape pipes (|, for tables)
  • Escape colons (:, for literal URLs)
  • Escape tildes (~, for strike-through)
Serialize for CommonMark compatible Markdown (boolean, default: false).
  • Serialize adjacent block quotes separately
  • Escape more characters using slashes, instead of as entities
⚠️ Pedantic was previously used to mimic old-style Markdown mode: no tables, no fenced code, and with many bugs. It’s currently still “working”, but please do not use it, it’ll be removed in the future.
How to serialize entities (string or boolean, default: false):
  • true — Entities are generated for special HTML characters (& > &)
and non-ASCII characters (`©` > `©`).
If named entities are not (widely) supported, numbered character references
are used (`’` > `’`)
  • 'numbers' — Numbered entities are generated (& > &) for special
HTML characters and non-ASCII characters
  • 'escape' — Special HTML characters are encoded (& > &, >
`’`), non-ASCII characters not (ö persists)
Serialize headings, when possible, in Setext-style (boolean, default: false). Uses = for level one headings and - for level two headings. Other heading levels are serialized as ATX (respecting closeAtx).
Serialize ATX headings with the same amount of closing hashes as opening hashes (boolean, default: false).
Create tables with a space between cell delimiters (|) and content (boolean, default: true).
Align the delimiters (|) between table cells so that they all align nicely and form a grid (boolean, default: true).
Function passed to markdown-tablemarkdown-table to detect the length of a table cell (Function, default: s => s.lengthstring-length). Used to pad tables.
Marker to use for fenced code blocks ('~' or `''`, default: ''``).
Create code blocks with a fence instead of indentation if they have no info string (boolean, default: false).
When false, code blocks are indented. Code blocks with an info string are always fenced.
Marker to use for the bullet of unordered list items ('-', '*', or '+', default: '-').
Style of indentation for list items ('tab', 'mixed' or '1', default: 'tab').
  • 'tab': use a tab stops (4 spaces)
  • '1': use one space
  • 'mixed': use 1 for tight and tab for loose list items
Increment ordered list item numbers (boolean, default: true).
When false, all list item numbers will be the same.
Marker to use for thematic breaks / horizontal rules ('-', '*', or '_', default: '*').
Number of markers to use for thematic breaks / horizontal rules (number, default: 3). Musts be 3 or more.
Place a space between thematic break (horizontal rule) markers (boolean, default true).
Marker to use for importance ('_' or '*', default '*').
Marker to use for emphasis ('_' or '*', default '_').


Access to the compiler, if you need it.

Extending the Compiler

If the remark-stringify plugin is used, it adds a Compilercompiler constructor function to the processor. Other plugins can add visitors to its prototype to change how Markdown is serialized.
The below plugin modifies a visitor to add an extra blank line before headings with a rank of 2.
module.exports = gap

function gap() {
  var Compiler = this.Compiler
  var visitors = Compiler.prototype.visitors
  var original = visitors.heading

  visitors.heading = heading

  function heading(node) {
    return (node.depth === 2 ? '\n' : '') + original.apply(this, arguments)


Map of types to visitors (Object.<Function>).

function visitor(node[, parent])

Serialize node.
Not available on the root node
string — Serialized given node.


As Markdown is sometimes used for HTML, and improper use of HTML can open you up to a cross-site scripting (XSS)xss attack, use of remark can also be unsafe. When going to HTML, use remark in combination with the rehyperehype ecosystem, and use rehype-sanitizesanitize to make the tree safe.
Use of remark plugins could also open you up to other attacks. Carefully assess each plugin and the risks involved in using them.


See contributing.mdcontributing in remarkjs/.githubhealth for ways to get started. See support.mdsupport for ways to get help. Ideas for new plugins and tools can be posted in remarkjs/ideasideas.
A curated list of awesome remark resources can be found in awesome remarkawesome.
This project has a code of conductcoc. By interacting with this repository, organization, or community you agree to abide by its terms.


MITlicense © Titus Wormerauthor