
Git automation for Javascript

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git-utils v2.2.0
Lightweight git automation for Javascript
All methods return a promise.
You can use git-utils/lib/commit-style imports to avoid loading the entire library.









API Reference

addBranch(repo: string, branch: string): Promise<void>

Create a new branch based off the current branch.
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deleteBranch(repo: string, branch: string, opts?: Object): Promise<void>

Delete the given branch.
  • remote?: string
  • remoteOnly?: boolean

The remote option lets you delete both the local and remote branches of the same name.
The remoteOnly option lets you delete the remote branch only. By default, both the local and remote tags are deleted.
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getBranch(repo: string)

Get the current branch name.
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getBranches(repo: string, opts?: Object): Promise<mixed>

Get an array of local/remote branch names.
  • raw?: boolean
  • remote?: string

The raw option changes the return value to the stdout of the git branch command.
The remote option lets you inspect the branches of a remote repository.
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hasBranch(repo: string, branch: string, opts?: Object): Promise<boolean>

Check if a local/remote branch name exists.
  • remote?: boolean

The remote option lets you check a remote repository for a specific branch name.
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mergeBranch(repo: string, opts: Object): Promise<void>

Merge a branch into another.
  • ours?: string
  • theirs: string
  • strategy?: string

The ours option lets you choose the local destination branch. Defaults to the current branch.
The theirs option lets you choose the local branch being merged. This is required.
The strategy option lets you auto-resolve any merge conflicts. If defined, it must be "ours" or "theirs".
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pushBranch(repo: string, opts?: Object): Promise<void>

Push the current branch to a remote repository.
  • force?: boolean
  • remote?: string
  • branch?: string
  • keyPath?: string
  • upstream?: boolean
  • listener?: (stderr?: string, stdout?: string) => void

The force option overwrites the remote branch instead of trying to cleanly append to its commit history.
The remote option lets you choose which remote repository is pushed to. Defaults to origin.
The branch option lets you choose which remote branch is pushed to. Defaults to the name of the current local branch.
The keyPath option is the file path to an SSH key. This is used to define the GIT_SSH_COMMAND environment variable.
The upstream option sets the upstream branch of the current local branch to the branch option.
The listener option is called as output is piped from the git push command.
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resetBranch(repo: string, commit?: string, opts?: Object): Promise<void>

Set the HEAD commit of the current branch.
The commit argument defaults to "HEAD". If null, the entire commit history is thrown out for the current branch.
  • mode?: string

The mode option must be "soft", "hard", "mixed", "merge", or "keep". Defaults to "mixed".
The "soft" mode preserves the changes between the given commit and the previous HEAD commit. Any staged changes are kept staged.
The "hard" mode erases all changes between the given commit and the previous HEAD commit.
The "mixed" mode preserves the changes between the given commit and the previous HEAD commit. Any staged changes are unstaged.
The other modes are described in the git manual. Run man git-reset in the terminal.
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setBranch(repo: string, branch: string, opts?: Object): Promise<string>

Checkout the given branch name.
Resolves with the current branch name. May not be the given branch name depending on which options are used.
If the given branch exists, the current branch must have no changes.
If the given branch does not exist, it's created with the commit history (and any uncommitted changes) of the current branch.
  • force?: boolean
  • ifExists?: boolean
  • mustExist?: boolean

The force option lets you erase any uncommitted changes before switching branches.
The ifExists option avoids creating a new branch if the given branch does not exist.
The mustExist option will throw an error if the given branch does not exist.
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clone(repo: string, src: string, opts?: Object): Promise<void>

Clone a local/remote repository.
The src argument can be a URL or an absolute path to a local directory.
  • dest?: string
  • depth?: number
  • branch?: string

The dest option lets you choose the local path to the cloned repository.
The depth option lets you create a shallow clone.
The branch option lets you choose which branch to checkout.

commit(repo: string, message: string): Promise<string>

Create a commit from the staged changes.
The message can have any number of lines.
Resolves with the commit SHA.
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getHead(repo: string, branch?: string, opts?: Object): Promise<mixed>

Resolves with the SHA of the HEAD commit.
If no branch is given, use the current branch.
  • remote?: string
  • message?: boolean

The remote option lets you inspect a remote repository. When undefined, the local repository is used.
The message option causes the resolved value to become {id, message} where id is the SHA and message is the commit message.
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pick(repo: string, commit: mixed, opts?: Object): Promise<void>

Perform a cherry-pick.
The commit argument can be a SHA string or a {from, to} object where both from and to are SHA strings.
  • strategy: string

The strategy option must be either "ours" or "theirs". This option is used to auto-resolve merge conflicts.
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revertHead(repo: string): Promise<void>

Undo the last commit, but keep the changes in the staging area.
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diff(repo: string, fromCommit: string, toCommit?: string): Promise<Array>

Get an array of {status: string, path: string} objects for each file modified, added, or deleted by the inclusive range of given commits.
The toCommit argument defaults to "HEAD".
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popStash(repo: string): Promise<void>

Equivalent to git stash pop.
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pushStash(repo: string, opts?: Object): Promise<void>

Equivalent to git stash.
  • keepStaged?: boolean
  • keepUntracked?: boolean

The keepStaged option avoids stashing any staged changes.
The keepUntracked option avoids stashing any untracked files.
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removeFiles(repo: string, files: mixed, opts?: Object): Promise<void>

Remove files and stage them.
The files argument must be a file path or an array of file paths.
  • cached?: boolean
  • recursive?: boolean

The cached option lets you remove only the paths that have staged changes.
The recursive option lets you remove directories.
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renameFile(repo: string, oldName: string, newName: string): Promise<void>

Rename a file and stage it.
The given filenames can be relative or absolute, but cannot exist outside the repository.
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revertFiles(repo: string, files: mixed, opts?: Object): Promise<string>

Revert files to a specific commit.
Resolves with the stdout of the git checkout command.
The files argument must be a file path or an array of file paths.
  • commit?: string
  • dryRun?: boolean

The commit option lets you choose which commit to revert to. Defaults to "HEAD".
The dryRun option avoids actually changing any files.
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stageFiles(repo: string, files: mixed): Promise<void>

Stage the given file paths.
The files argument must be a file path or an array of file paths.
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unstageFiles(repo: string, files: mixed): Promise<void>

Unstage the given file paths.
The files argument must be a file path or an array of file paths.
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getRemotes(repo: string): Promise<Array>

Get the array of remote repositories, where each repository is an object like {push: string, fetch: string}.
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getStatus(repo: string, opts?: Object): Promise<mixed>

Get the status of the current branch.
By default, the return value is an object like the following:
  • staged: Object
  • tracked: Object
  • untracked: Array
  • unmerged: Array

The staged object has an array for every status (eg: "M" for modified, "A" for added, etc). These arrays contain an object for every staged file with that status.
The tracked object has identical structure to the staged object, except it contains objects for tracked files (excluding staged files).
The untracked and unmerged arrays also contain file objects.
  • raw?: boolean
  • remote?: boolean

The raw option changes the return value to the stdout of the git status command. It does nothing when the remote option is true.
The remote option changes the return value to {branch: string, ahead: number, behind: number} based on the upstream branch.
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isClean(repo: string): Promise<boolean>

Resolves to true if the repository has no uncommitted changes.
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isStaged(repo: string): Promise<boolean>

Resolves to true if the repository has staged changes.
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addTag(repo: string, tag: string, opts?: Object): Promise<void>

Create a tag for the current HEAD commit.
  • force?: boolean

The force option lets you overwrite an existing tag with the same name.
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deleteTag(repo: string, tag: string, opts?: Object): Promise<void>

Delete a local/remote tag.
  • remote?: string
  • remoteOnly?: boolean

The remote option lets you delete the given tag from a remote repository.
The remoteOnly option lets you delete the remote tag only. By default, both the local and remote tags are deleted.
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getTags(repo: string, opts?: Object): Promise<Array>

Get an array of local/remote tag names.
  • remote?: string
  • commits?: boolean

The remote option lets you fetch tags from a remote repository.
The commits option changes the return value to an array of {tag: string, commit: string} objects.
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pushTag(repo: string, tag: string, opts?: Object): Promise<void>

Push a local tag to a remote repository.
  • force?: boolean
  • remote?: string

The force option lets you overwrite an existing remote tag of the same name.
The remote option lets you choose the remote repository to push to. Defaults to "origin".
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pushTags(repo: string, opts?: Object): Promise<void>

Push all local tags to a remote repository.
  • force?: boolean
  • remote?: string

The force option lets you overwrite any existing remote tags that clash with one of the local tags.
The remote option lets you choose the remote repository to push to. Defaults to "origin".
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getVersions(repo: string, opts?: Object): Promise<Array>

Get the sorted array of tags that use semantic versioning.
  • remote?: string

The remote option lets you fetch tags that use semantic versioning from a remote repository.
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